Please excuse any cuss words or any foul language in these songs. The songs are just for you to get a feel of the kind of music that was being played at The Tracks. DO NOT LISTEN TO IT, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT.
Dear Internet Diary,
When we arrive at the place racers call "The Tracks", Lucas parks near the other cars. This place has around 20 other cars. Each containing its own unique attribute. I see girls dressed in scandalous outfits to my right and left. Most guys are wearing jeans and a tight shirt to show off their muscle. Everyone's either flirting with one another or placing bets on those who are about to race.
Lucas and Tania exit the car, and then I follow. I hear heavy rap music being played as I meet the chilly night air. I have no clue where we are; I just know we're nowhere near campus. Upon exiting, I see a black Dodge Charger RT burning rubber as it drifts to an impressive stop. I stare at envy at the car and begin to wonder who's driving it.
My question is answered when I see the driver exiting his vehicle. At first, I only see his dark brown hair and begin to make assumptions of what he could look like. He closes his door, and his face hits the light. It's Jace.
I can't seem to peel my eyes off him, and I see him smile. Danny comes up to him, and they do their own little handshake. I see Danny's hand is filled with bills. 100 bills are the biggest ones I see. I didn't know I'd gotten close to them until someone grabs my arms and I freeze out of fear. I look their way and see it's Tania.
She shakes her head worryingly as her features turn to fear. I tilt my head to the side and turn around. Jace no longer has a smile on his face as he walks over to us. "What the hell is SHE doing here? Why'd you guys bring her here?" he yells at Tania and Lucas. He looks livid, and when he walks up to me, I close my eyes in fear that he will strike at me.
After a couple of seconds, I open my eyes and see Jace's expression turn to sorrow, but the anger behind his eyes quickly rises. "I'm not going to hit you, Melody," he tells me as he stares into my eyes. Regret is embedded in his eyes, and I force myself to look away.
Lucas quickly grabs a hold of my shoulder and tries to diffuse Jace's anger. "We brought her here since she was looking for you," he says and I look up at him. "She wanted to tell you something, and she just didn't want to wait. My guess is that she's hopelessly in love with you, but I'm not her. If I was, I'd have put a ring on that finger by now. Isn't that right, Melody?" he says looking me in the eye.
My cheeks redden at the thought of being engaged. This situation is freaking me out, and it doesn't help Jace is waiting for my reply. "Uhh! I umm..." I say as I try to form words under Jace's intense stare. I hear Money Trees being played in the background, and try to start singing along to it. "Dreams of living as a rapper do," I say as I try to act cool by dancing along to it. Dancing BADLY along to it.
Jace starts shaking his head at me as Lucas tries to hold back his laugh. "Melody. Just no. Just stop dancing." Jace tells me. I stop and make a nervous smile. "What are you really doing here?" Jace asks me, and Lucas starts to step away.
I look him in the eye and tell him the truth. He's featured slightly harden, and he pulls me in for a hug. When he pulls away, he says, "You don't deserve a guy who forces himself on you. No one does." I nod my head at him, and we start walking over to his car.
"Jace! Jace! Are you going to place a bet on Bikes? She's about to race right now." Danny says as he runs to us. Jace nods his head, as he pulls out some cash. "Who's Bikes?" I ask no one in particular. Danny laughs at my question, and says, "WHO'S BIKES? HAHA! That was a good one Melody." Jace chuckles a bit. I look at him, and then at Danny with a certain I'm-Not-Joking face, and then Danny continues. "Oh! You're not kidding." Danny says as his voice drops down.
"She's your roommate. Bikes are Tania," Jace says. My eyes bulge out of their sockets, and I shove past Danny. I run towards the racers, and see Tania getting in position to start racing on her bike. She puts on her helmet and nods. A blonde girl is next to her, and she replicates Tania's actions. Some guy comes between them and starts saying something along the lines of "I want a clean race. No fighting with your bikes or trying to knock the other out." They both nod in response, and he pulls out a white flag. Their engines roar in anticipation, and the guy's hands go down. They zoom past the start point, but I see the blonde girl has the lead.
"They should know better by now," Danny says behind and I turn around taking my eyes off Tania. Jace nods, and says, "Yeah. She always gives them false hope before crushing them in the end. It's so damn funny to watch their reactions at the end."
"What are you guys talking about?" I ask them. "Bikes always does the same thing. She saves her boost for the end, and that's how she wins." Jace tells me. Danny chuckles a bit before telling Jace he has to go. Jace nods and tells him to give him the money tomorrow. "Come on. Let's go." Jace tells me. I know fighting with him will be pointless, as I've overstayed my welcome here, but it doesn't mean I'm not coming back.
Jace stretches his hand out, and I put my hand in his. A heat starts to come over me, and I try to ignore it. We start walking to his car, and he opens the door for me. I thank him when I'm inside. He smiles before closing the door and jogs over to his side. He gets in and turns his engine on. "Want to listen to any music?" he asks as I nod my head. "Any preferences?" I just shake my head at his question and he turns on Kygo. "I'll change it if you don't like it," he tells me, but I cut him off. "Are you kidding me?! I love Kygo!" I say to him.
Stranger Things comes on and I start singing along. "We used to run around this ghost town. Always thinking out loud. Are we gonna get out." I sing to the best of my ability, and Jace joins me. "I remember. We dream of places we could go. Castles with a strange glow. People that we don't know."
We sing song after song, until Jace's smile drops and he stops singing along. I look over at him, and he tells me in a very tense tone, "Don't move. We're being followed."
Melody N. Ravenna

Indecisive (COMPLETED)
Mystère / ThrillerAfter my escape, and yet another but brutal last year at the same high school, my school sent me their condolences and made sure to inform my future college of my past. I didn't bother to say goodbye to my "friends" or Preston, my ex. The poli...