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And I started crying.
Because the thought of him never falling in love with me,
Is far too hard to handle

I started dying.
Because ache in my chest I get every time I see him,
seems so unbearable

It's almost like someone is reaching in my chest and squeezing my heart.
And it doesn't feel good

I have never talked to him in my life.
Shhh, I know that you're going to say,
"I should"

But you don't understand every time he looks my way I almost faint

I feel like if I went up to him he would think I'm far too taint

He doesn't like smokers, little does he know with each blow I whisper his name.

With each cigarette I smoke It's because I know he doesn't care if I change.

I want him to care about me the way I care about him

The thoughts in my head are way too dim

//I can't think with all this dank\\

He will never see past my blue eyes

He will never see past my crooked smile

He will never hear me screaming his name inside my head

He will never know that with each wave of his hair is equivalent to each time I have an idea of slamming my head into the concrete pavement.

One day it might take over me.

Sorry guys It's kind of sloppy and unorganized but honestly when I was writing this, I wrote down everything my head told me to.

My head is wild.

Borderline Personality PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now