{BPD post I found on Tumblr)

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{I found this on tumblr and this person got some of it accurate, but BPD is a lot more complicated than what people think.}

Borderline Personality Disorder;
This disorder is killing, I can know. But always remember, you are real, this isn't fake. You are realy reading this, alive. This isn't a dream. Borderline thoughts arn't realistic, your favorite person doesn't hate you because they reply with 1 word. Your favorite person won't leave you because he/she talked with another person. You are also their friend, and it's ok if they hang out with their other friends. They won't forget you. You do exist, and you are important, and for sure good enough. If you feel like a panick attack is comming up, search in your room for objects which by example, you can smell, or eat. You are beautiful whenever you believe you are, and you are beautiful the next second when you hate yourself. If you're feeling horrible, remember borderline also has his 'good' sides. We are very creative, we have good humor, we are such nice people to always help others. The moodswings are killing, but whenever you have a moodswing to feeling very, intense happy, enjoy this. If you want to dance, do it. You want to scream from the happy feeling, do it. You want to do something nice, do it. Try to enjoy the happy moodswings. - Be calm before you react on something, we can be very impulsive with reacting on things. First calm yourself, before you react because you might fill in thoughts for someone else, which are often not true. Stay strong dear, one day you will have borderline, instead of borderline having you.

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