AsaKiku/USUK/Giripan ?????

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WARNING, this is weird and kinda depressing so I dunno? Its something weird but I wanted to write something for you nerds other than that weird smut shit

I love it but i have a weird mind so theres that

Kiku knew the Brit, yes. He was a very angry man, and yelled quite a lot. He was horrible at baking and refused to believe anything against him. He was just a very interesting man. Kiku had meet him through his friend, Alfred, a bubbly guy who was very self-confident. He was quiet at their first meeting, as it was more of a stumble into then an actual meet up. He and Alfred were on the way to their apartment they shared, when they had run into the man, and Alfred introduced them, and talked. Arthur ended up coming back to the apartment with them, and despite the fact that Kiku was somewhat social - though silently -, they never ended up talking.

But Kiku had noticed him. He couldn't help but let his mind scan over the male and over-analyze him. He noted all the attractive features of the Brit, and found a bit too many.

When Kiku walked in on the two snogging, he said nothing but an apology for intruding and went to his area of the apartment. He didn't question it or mourn the fact that his obnoxious house-mate got to Arthur before he did. He was fairly accepting, and this was not something he would take to heart. Arthur just liked someone he actually got along - somewhat - with. Up to that point, they still basically only knew their names, and Kiku learned what he could observe.

It became a usual occurrence for the Brit to be at their apartment, almost every day, and during those times, Kiku and Arthur - more forced to socialize to relieve boredom and silence - became closer. Kiku was happy enough just being around the one he found so intriguing.

Arthur and Alfred's relationship began to get tense. They couldn't stay in the same room for too long before one of them got upset for some reason. Despite all this unhappiness, Kiku couldn't help but feel warm when Arthur seemed to get a tad happier just seeing him. It may have even just been the man's imagination tricking him.

The day when Arthur and Alfred got into more of a serious fight, Kiku was caught in the middle of it. They didn't seem to notice him playing one of Alfred's game, yelling at one another over the sounds. Kiku kept quiet, and didn't get up. He chose not to listen so he didn't invade privacy, but he was rather comfortable and deemed it too awkward to actually get up and gather attention to himself. He continued fumbling with the xBox controller, not getting the point in all the fighting in this well plotted game.

He jumped when the first thud was heard. He looked over to the couple hurriedly, almost expecting someone on the ground, but that wasn't the case. Arthur had just knocked over one of the side-tables. He seemed shocked as well, staring down at the table before looking back up to Alfred, anger etching into his features again. They yelled for a bit more, and Kiku attempted to block out the sound, but the fighting in game and in real life was a bit too much for him to handle. He set the controller down, letting his character get killed. He glanced towards the couple. He supposed it was a good thing that no one was aggressive enough to even think of hurting the other. Kiku was shocked when he saw the Brit had tears streaming down his face, and Alfred wasn't looking very happy either. He looked towards some of the pictures hanging among their walls.

The fight ended with Arthur running out, and Alfred breaking down on the way back to his room. Kiku looked after both of them, keeping silent. He pulled out his phone, messaging one of his close friends, and sending a small message to Arthur as well. He got a response from Heracles, confirming that he was of course doing nothing again and would love to meet up. He got up and set the controller back, turning off the console and putting on his coat and shoes. He knocked on Alfred's door, informing him that he was leaving for now. He walked out, going out to meet with Heracles and hopefully get the stress of arguments out of his head.

Arthur had responded to the message in the middle of Heracles retelling some story about his mother - they were always interesting, honestly. He found it rude to interrupt Heracles in the middle of a tale, so he waited until his friend had finished to check the message. It was a simple message, reading 'I'm fine.' Kiku sighed, knowing the Brit was lying through his teeth. Heracles inquired on what was wrong, and Kiku retold the events, asking the Greek to not repeat it. He knew his friend wouldn't gossip like that, despite how strange he is.

Weeks later, Arthur informed Kiku that he was moving away, back to Britain, even. After he had read the message, he set the phone down and layed his head on the table he was sitting at. Alfred asked him what was wrong and Kiku just shrugged him off. He felt that telling him might make him angry. And he would never wish that upon someone.

The male he had found very interesting and a romantic interest, left, keeping in touch. But he was always too busy, and the timezone was too far off to truly keep good contact.

Months later, Kiku had gotten the confession from Heracles, and they were now dating. It was a calm relationship, and they seemed to agree on just about everything. Kiku felt loved, and would never think bad of Heracles and their relationship.

When Arthur sent him a rather lengthy message, Kiku didn't bother to read it until after Heracles had fallen asleep and the movie they were watching finished.

The message was very formal sounding, and Kiku recognized that as the Brit's way of showing how nervous he was.

The message was Arthur admitting why he had begun to feel unhappy in the relationship between him and Alfred.

Kiku choked up, as those feelings he had resurfaced, but were blocked by the very man laying at his side. He loved Heracles. He loved Arthur.

All he could respond with was

"I apologize for all the inconveniences I have and will cause, Arthur-san."

Arthur never understood.

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