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It was always a one-sided, self-satisfied, inward giggle to Harry when he called himself "Daddy" at the most inopportune times and in front of the least likely people.
For example...
"Come ovah here and sit next to daddy." He said to Niall when the latter was looking for a seat on the couch between the scattered game controllers and bags of Doritos.
"Let daddy teach you." He said to Liam when the latter wore a mask of frustration because he couldn't figure out how to play a game on his phone.
"Daddy is gonna take care of you." He said to y/n when the latter was a shivering mess in a fashionable, but poorly planned satin shirt. A group of six mutual friends looked on while he slipped his jacket over her thinly veiled shoulders.
Each time he referred to himself as "Daddy" it was always gratifyingly greeted with a wide array of faces: from horrified to confused to even exasperated. Someone almost always said, "Stop calling yourself daddy, it's creepy." OR they more or less said, "Don't ever fuckin call yourself that to me again," to which Harry would roll his head back and burst into exuberant laughter. He doesn't know why he thinks it's so funny; he just likes to make people feel uncomfortable and see how they react to this apparent faux pas.
He has come to find out that friends who are merely acquaintances blink rapidly and bumble out a response to his brashness. Good friends usually furrow their brow or better yet, throw back some kind of perplexed but biting insult. But his best friend and girlfriend, y/n, will almost always play along and match his level of immaturity—sometimes calling herself, "Daddy's little princess" among other things.
They had a weird, fucked-up sense of humor that when combined, made others around them twiddle their fingers and teeter nervously on a daily basis. Whether it's tasteless and cheeky sexual jokes or—at the opposite end of the spectrum—corny and stupid puns that make no sense, Harry and y/n understood each other's subtle banter more than anyone else in their lives—it is undecided whether that's a good or bad thing... "We should never have children for fear that they would end up exactly like us," is something that y/n always said to Harry. "Yea, if we do have a kid, he or she is gonna be the resident weird kid in class, for sure." Harry always quipped.
But all this aside, for the amount of times that Harry called himself "daddy" in real life, when it came to the bedroom, it was never a word that was muttered in between bated breaths or quivering lips.
It was a joke to Harry and y/n and nothing more than that.
"Say, when are you getting home?" y/n said into the phone. Harry could tell that this conversation was on speakerphone from the way her voice was distant and slightly raised. She must have been in the middle of doing something, because she sounded distracted.
"Should be there in a bit over an hour. Why? Are you missing daddy?" He purred playfully. Harry hoped that one of her friends was there to overhear this question—hoped that y/n might get a little pink in her cheeks because, for all the playing along she does most of the time, sometimes she does get a bit embarrassed if it's in front of the right person. Harry can't help but be a little shit and get a sick satisfaction out of her discomfort. However, her voice returns clear and composed through the speaker.
"Just wondering. Your little princess has something for you."
So y/n is going along with the joke. A playful quirk in her voice gives an unmistakable, yet sorta creepy air of baby talk. Because of this, Harry guesses she must be alone.
"What is it?" He shakes his head with a small laugh. Harry hopes that y/n bought those little packs of apples with the peanut butter dipping cups that he begged her to get two days ago. This was the first thought to pass through his mind and Harry doesn't know why.
"You're gonna have to wait and see." she rustles around inside a bag and Harry is almost certain that he is going to have some delicious apples when he gets home.
"Daddy's home!" he shouts when he enters the door. The house is spacious, so he is not sure whether she heard him. He does love a warm and quick cuddly hug when he comes home but, truthfully, he doesn't want to go searching for her since the idea of apples and peanut butter is too tempting an option right now. Harry chuckles in a loopy kinda way because he is like a 10-year-old boy returning from school and having an afternoon snack. He absentmindedly wonders whether there are still some Capri Suns left over.
"You wanna get some Pad Thai tonight?" He shouts to the seemingly empty house. "I dunno. I'm in the mood for Pad Thai." Harry opens the large metallic door and cold air brushes his face as he peers inside. Cluttered shelf upon cluttered shelf greet him as he reaches a hand in to inspect the items inside.
"y/n?" he shouts while continuing to search for a full minute. He squints his eyes into the light overhead, scouring even the back edges, though he is losing hope rapidly. Those delightful little packs of nostalgic deliciousness would surely be right up front. He sees the other new items that she bought today, but sadly the one thing he asked for is lacking. After frustrated huffs and a stiff neck from being bent into the fridge for so long, Harry gives up and closes the door.
"Hey did you buy those apple things?" he asks once more in desperation, but hears nothing in return. Harry heaves a sigh and plops into a chair by the kitchen counter to take out his phone. He's not angry—more disappointed and he feels like a tantrum-struck child because of it. He is literally pouting! But he can't help it because he just wanted some goddamn apples. However, a few minutes later, he is far from feeling like a child when his eyes finally flick up from his phone and land on y/n strutting into the room.
She is wearing long black tights that reach up her thigh, complete with garters and buckles 'n' all. Black lingerie. Lacy— perfect for his teeth to nick at. She winks at him only once before turning to go up the stairs again. Harry doesn't need to be asked twice. Dashing the pursuit of apples, he follows on her heels, bounding the stairs 2 at a time. It's almost not fast enough.
"You like?" y/n says when Harry enters the room. She gets on the bed and crawls to the middle of it to give him a cute, teasing image.
"Very much so, Muppet." Harry coolly walks over and feels the excitement settle in his gut, a fresh swell of blood moves about every last bit of his body.
"I'm glad—this was the little present that I got for you." She purrs. Harry grabs her leg and pulls her over so that he may hover above her.
"Oh yeah?" he kisses her neck while notching his knee between her legs. "Well not that I don't love this." He all but motorboats her breasts. She laughs while pushing his face away, and so he rears up, "...But I was hoping for some apples and peanut butter to be perfectly honest."
"Apples and peanut butter?" she smiles widely.
"Yeah. You promised me you'd buy some."
"Oh, well I guess—it seems that I forgot." She presses a tongue to her teeth and her eyes go all squinty with another smile.
"Is daddy gonna have to punish his princess?" Harry says in mocking.
"Yea, I think you do." She plays along in equal jest and wiggles out from under him, presenting her backside. "Spank me, daddy." She laughs. He smacks at her ass once, so beautiful and shapely in the black panties. This was not unheard of in their bedroom. He loved playfully swatting her cheeks, especially when fucking her from behind. It was never all that kinky in any way.
"Another one, princess?" he asks. y/n nods, her whole head of hair shakes. She loved it just as much as he did.
"But wait!" she says and turns to grab him by the shoulders, guiding him to lay back on the bed.
"Fuck yeah," he slides down and settles himself, before y/n is throwing her leg over his face. She lays the length of him and begins unbuckling his jeans. Harry's eyes are full of nothing but her. The black tights to either side of him are satiny and he runs a hand all the way up. The panties barely conceal her and are eagerly pushed aside so that Harry can blow hot air on her wetness. She shudders a bit while fishing his cock out of the jeans.
"Didn't get my apples, huh?" Harry smacks her cheek again and squeezes hard.
"Daddy!—" y/n exclaims. "Uh—I mean—Harry," she catches herself. "Easy, baby."
"Sorry for getting carried away, princess. Can you blame me?" he kitten licks up her slit, and she tastes just as nice as she looks.
"Oh..." y/n shudders again. "Keep going," She says and lets go of the tension at her thighs. "...Daddy." She smirks over his cock, inches from her mouth.
Harry places both of his hands at her sides and pushes her down, not getting enough contact, as is. He tantalizes the entrance with his tongue, all the while she places a lippy kiss at his ridge—long and deep, bottom lip molding to the edge. Though he can't see it, he assumes that when she squeezes her hand up his length, a pearl buds and she uses it on her slow descent back down. He was quite keen on being teased like so. Fuckin downright loved it! Y/n leaves a trail of kisses along the vein before she tentatively places his tip in her mouth. Harry groans, good and well, while she suckles with a little tongue and the right amount of bite. He digs his head deeper into the pillow.
"Hey—" she stops. "Do I need to punish you now, daddy?" she says and connects herself back to Harry's mouth. He muffles his reply into her fleshy bits. He doesn't understand it, but he is feeling all the more feisty and kinky tonight. He doesn't know whether to blame it on the use of the nicknames or not, but he licks vigorously into her. Her bud is now fully peeking through, so he flicks it generously with his tongue. On cue, she moans around him. He continues to do it until she is forced to pull off of him so that she can moan out more freely. "Daddy..." she mutters and Harry feels a powerful tingle scrub out to the very edge of his toes. He wants to hear her say it again—needs her to say it again. He latches his mouth on her clit and sucks hard.
"Oh my god!" she mewls... but this is not what Harry was looking for. He keeps her in his mouth, laving a tongue around. A hand comes up again and smacks her backside above him.
"Fuck, daddy!" she breathes and Harry is rewarded with another inexplicable surge twitching his member. He pulls away for a moment.
"Keep sucking my cock, princess." Harry says and waits for y/n to envelop him back into the warmth of her mouth. She is quite slow and clunky with it at first, but he then feels her velvety tongue slide up and down him again. He wastes no time, himself, plunging back into her.
"That's it." He says and flattens his tongue along her core. "Mm—you like when I treat your pussy so nice, princess?" his nose is pressed into the wetness. All he breathes, sees and smells is her.
"Yes, daddy." She says, now completely abandoning inhibition. She was feeling it as equally as he was. "Don't stop." They were both close. From the way her walls clench above him, to the way his cock pulses below her—they were each about to burst. Harry begins fucking her with his tongue; the muscle moving in and out so well. At this angle, he can explore more. She begins rocking into it. Christ, he loved when she rode his face. Meanwhile, she begins deep throating him as best as she can. Harry squeezes and smacks at her thighs again, only enhancing the sensations boiling in her belly.
"Fuck." She says, trying to keep her mouth on him but it's too much. She begins jerking him off instead and it's fine with Harry, as long as she keeps talking. "Fuck me, daddy."
He lets her move freely, all among bated breaths and hot murmurs. She speeds up and he takes the cue to suck harshly on her clit once more.
"I'm gonna come!" she cries and Harry holds her down on him—somehow in her state, her hand keeps moving, twisting at the head and Harry is almost a goner. She comes on his face, the wetness collecting on his tongue and he laps it up—works her through it with little twitches everywhere in her body, all around him. It's enough for Harry to shoot his load on her lips. The white leaks onto her cupid's bow and Harry knows that the both of them are surely a mess. His body keeps wracking along with her and the word "daddy" echoes in his ear.
They both come down, and moments later, she shakily removes her leg from around his face. y/n rolls over and Harry watches her chest– outfitted in the lacy bra– move up and down rapidly.
...Harry doesn't need apples and peanut butter in order to regain his stamina. He is ready to go again, shortly– hard cock resting between his legs. Though she is still not fully recovered, he flips onto her and hitches up her leg.
"Harry!" she exclaims.
"No, baby. Keep calling me Daddy."

Okay, I hope that was alright. I just don't really see harry seriously calling himself daddy, but in the heat of the moment, who knows? Anyway, this story was kinda a joke but I hope you all liked it.

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