Harry Styles

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Imagine: One Direction was actually doing a M&G in Seattle for the first time EVER! But the packages were like super insane, when it came to price...
So, you told me about these M&G package deals. But of course I had to check it out!
There was a thing in small writing at the bottom that read: "if you buy tickets that are worth more than $300 in value each and you can prove you bought them, you can go to to the M&G"
So, I didn't tell you but I asked my mommy if we could surprise you by going
Also, there was a contest going on and I had entered both of us, I know our chances of getting picked were slim but we did!
The contest winner gets to take themselves and one friend to meet One Direction and have dinner with them up in the space needle!
You won! At first you were confused but then I told you I had entered you
Then you were really freaking out!
So we went to meet the boys and we had a lovely dinner with them all but Harry, of course couldn't stop flirting or things like that.
By the end of the that Harry asked you if you wanted to have more of a relationship with him?
Of course you said yes but you were nervous about him traveling all the time and all that (but you two managed to work it out!)

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