The Boxer

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I did not write this short story I found it on Tumblr. So I am giving the credit to whoever wrote this short story. I just want you to know that you did a great job.

Pairing: Y/N and Harry

Word Count: 10k

"You're supposed to be in the hospital gown, it's why we laid it out for you," Y/N stated, pointing the pen in her hand at the white gown by his feet.
"I'm not wearing that paper shit," Harry grumbled, "and I'm perfectly fine to leave."
"That cut says otherwise," Y/N says.
Harry watches as she sets down the clipboard and turns on the sink to wash her hands, she's cute. She's nothing like the kind Harry would go for. His usual prey would be at the bar, lonely, maybe going through a breakup, but he knew for sure that by the end of the night she would be in his bed. Y/N on the other hand looked like too pure for him, and he hated that look.
From his experience Harry had learned that girls like Y/N believed that they were too good for a guy like him. Girls like Y/N, with an innocent smile, soft skin, and soft voices, tended to only use him for one thing, to make their parents upset. Harry had seen it time and time again, it was only a matter of weeks before the girl would crush his heart and move on to someone better.
"I don't feel anything," Harry stated.
Harry had grown numb to just about everything. He couldn't feel the punches thrown at him, he couldn't feel his emotions, it all just seemed gone to him. He didn't mind though, no emotions meant he couldn't get hurt, and no pain meant he was unstoppable.
Boxer Harry Styles highers, incredibly perky Y/N as his on-call nurse.

"I hate the graveyard shift," Y/N stated, slumping into the chair.
The full time medical student had a love/hate relationship for her internship. There was nothing better Y/N could dream of doing, she loved the chance to shadow doctors, getting vitals for them, interact with the patients, but she hated her lack of sleep. Between morning classes, long shifts at the diner (where it seemed that she encountered every single rude costumer possible), and her internship, she couldn't remember the last time she rested for a full eight hours.
Y/N spent most of her time as a medical receptionist in the emergency room. She didn't mind it, she liked hearing the interesting stories and comparing them. Her favorite by far was when a man, no older than forty, came in with a plastic figure lodged into his throat. Y/N just couldn't comprehend how stupid people could be.
"It hasn't been too bad today," Amber, the other receptionist, smiled, "just a guy with a belly ache and is convinced it's his kidney's but obviously it isn't. He googled it and now he's convinced he's going to die."
"Looks like google is going to rid of us of our jobs," Y/N says with a roll of her eyes.
She turns her attention back to her books, biting on her lower lip as she studies for her statistic exam. It was a quiet night, not much seemed to be happening, which was a good thing. Y/N liked the quiet night, it meant less people were in pain and less people were hurting.
"Y/N," Dr. White, one of Y/N's favorites (and it wasn't because he was the youngest of all the doctors and very, very attractive), pointed his pen at Y/N, a smile on his pink lips, "care to take the vitals of the patient in room fourteen?"
Y/N scrunches her nose, "you never ask me to take vitals for you," she stated, "I'm concerned."
"He's being a hard ass, maybe a pretty face will lighten his mood," Dr. White responds.
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling, but she could feel how warm her cheeks got and she knew it was evident.
"I guess," Y/N says, grabbing the clipboard from his hand, "Harry Styles," she mumbles, "that name sounds familiar."
"You into boxing?" Dr. White asked, as he walked down the hall with her, Y/N shakes her head, "well he's a famous boxer, and he's good. But he's also a fighter outside of the ring as much as he is inside the ring."
"Violence doesn't solve anything," Y/N says, "oh my," she gasped, "guess he's not that good if he's this beaten up," she remarks, reading the report in her hand.
"You should see the other guys, Styles did a number on them," Dr. White chuckled, "speaking of, I'll be in room eighteen with one of them. If he gives you a hard time come and get me."
Y/N nods, pressing her lips in a line as she walks into the room. Harry sits on the bed, he's striped of his clothes, just a pair of black boxers covering him. Y/N can see the wounds on his chest, but the one that worries her the most is on his side, it's been cleaned but it looks terrible and she knows it's going to need stitches.
Harry's well built, even with the dried blood and sweet he still manages to look handsome and it makes Y/N's stomach twist in knots. She closes the door behind her and he looks up, his green eyes are stone cold and his lips are pressed in a thin line.
"You're supposed to be in the hospital gown, it's why we laid it out for you," Y/N stated, pointing the pen in her hand at the white gown by his feet.
"I'm not wearing that paper shit," Harry grumbled, "and I'm perfectly fine to leave."
"That cut you're supporting says otherwise," Y/N says.
Harry watches as she sets down the clipboard and turns on the sink to wash her hands, she's cute though. She's nothing like the kind Harry would go for. His usual prey would be at the bar, lonely, maybe going through a breakup, but he knew for sure that by the end of the night she would be in his bed. Y/N on the other hand looked too pure for him, and he hated that look.
From his experience Harry had learned that girls like Y/N believed that they were too good for a guy like him. Girls like Y/N, with an innocent smile, soft skin, and tendervoices, tended to only use him for one thing, to make their parents upset. Harry had seen it time and time again, it was only a matter of weeks before the girl would crush his heart and move on to someone better.
"I don't feel anything," Harry stated.
Harry had grown numb to just about everything. He couldn't feel the punches thrown at him, he couldn't feel his emotions, it all just seemed gone to him. He didn't mind though, no emotions meant he couldn't get hurt, and no pain meant he was unstoppable.
"Well that's not good," Y/N says, drying her hands, and walking over to him, "right or left arm?" she asks, tossing her hair back.
"Don't care," Harry says.
Y/N shrugs, grabbing his right arm, "what does this mean?" Y/N asked, running her index finger gently over one of his tattoos.
"None of your damn business," Harry says.
Y/N wraps the cuff around his bicep, "you're a grumpy guy," she says softly, when she moves closer Harry can smell the sweet scent of vanilla, "'s not good to be grumpy."
"'s not good to be nosey," Harry stated.
Y/N starts to pump and she lets out a small sigh, "I'd say being grumpy is worse than being nosey, wouldn't you?" Harry doesn't respond. He figures if maybe, just maybe, if he doesn't say anything, she won't talk to him. But he's wrong. Y/N is a chatterbox and nothing can zip her lips, "anyways blood pressure looks good, can you turn for me?" Harry turns on the bed and he feel the touch of her cool hand on his back, "does this happen often? It's not good for you to be hurt all the time, especially with the line of work you're in, you need to make sure you fully heal, not even so you don't get hurt, but you don't want your opponent to have an advantage you know? Breath in for me."
"It's nothing I can't handle," Harry stated.
"You might think you're indestructible, but your body is still a body Mr. Styles, a wound can get infected and it's all downhill from there," Y/N says, she steps back to type his results into the computer, "I'm just going to clean your wounds, and then Dr. White will be in to clean stitch you up, prescribe you your medicine, and then you should be on your way. But do remember, you need time to heel, so maybe lay off the fighting."
"I can do what I want," Harry grumbles.
"If you don't do as followed you'll just have many more trips to the ER and much more time with me," Y/N smiled, grabbing some gloves, "now, go ahead and lay down," Harry doesn't flinch when she touches his wound, "now, I'm not much of a fighter, violence is never the answer," she says, "so I went into the medical field. I just love being able to help someone out, you know? Knowing that I'm using my time on this planet to help others is just amazing to me, but I think if I didn't go into the medical field I would be like a middle school teacher, middle school is such a rough time-don't move- and I feel like kids at that age really need people. Don't move. Or maybe I would be like a-oh I don't know, but something that helps others, what made you go into boxing?"
Harry's silent.
"I took boxing lessons once, I was in high school, it was mostly to get in shape. It was fun but I didn't have much strength and the trainer was a little touchy feely. I mean don't get me wrong, I love touching people-oh that sounded wrong. I mean like, hugging them, and holding hands, and all that. But this guy went straight for my bum, and well, I mean come on. I'm not an easy target, and if that's the case at least buy me dinner first," she adds.
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up," Harry hissed.
Y/N's lips form into a small frown but she falls silent. Harry knows he should apologize, if his mum heard him he would have a smack to the back of his hand, but he was tired. He was tired of hearing her voice and he just wanted to sleep.
"Okay, well, Dr. White should be in, at any second, please do take care of yourself," Y/N says, taking off her gloves, "I'm sure you would hate to be back here."

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