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He took hold of my hand as we stood in the elevator, waiting for it to stop at the top floor- the honeymoon suite. "You okay?" he let his other hand rub up and down my arm which had goosebumps all over. "Yeah, yeah I am." I said, my voice cracking. "Your hand's a bit sweaty." he chuckled, giving my hand a squeeze before his fingers brushed across my wedding ring. "Come 'ere" he whispered, removing his hands from my skin only so he could pull me into his arms. I sighed into his chest, letting my shaky hands grab onto the back of his tux. "You'll be alright okay? I'm right here with you, the whole time." his deep voice spoke softly, his cool breath along with his long hair tickling my ear. He ran his fingers through my hair, causing me to lift my head. "Okay." I smiled, looking into his sea green eyes. The elevator dinged and the doors opened to reveal a short hallway that led to a single door. "Shall we?" he held up an arm. "We shall." I giggled at how formal he was being, but linked my arm with his anyway. Once we got to the door he stopped, swooping me up into his arms in a swift motion, resulting in a squeal from me. "Good luck." he shrugged, inserting the key into the slot. He set me back on my feet once we entered the threshold, pulling me into his side by the waist. I barely had time to comment on how lovely the suite was before he turned me to him. His hands caressed my face and he moved closer so that his lips were brushing against mine with each word he spoke. "You are absolutely breathtaking." he smirked, his tongue quickly gliding over his lips. I blushed, at a loss for words. "Mrs.Styles." he kissed behind my ear, allowing his lips to slowly wander down my neck. I bit my lip, running my hands through his hair to suppress a moan. His mouth found mine again, his lips slowly but passionately moving against mine. I didn't kiss back at first, too distracted and nervous about what was to come. He pressed a hand into the back of my neck to bring me closer as his left hand found my right. "Baby..." he whined, but it came out as more of a moan. "Are you sure about this? If you aren't comfortab-" he panted, pulling back from my lips for air. "No, H babe it's not you it's just...I'm really scared. I don't know how it'll feel or if I'll be good enou-" I whimpered, tears brimming my eyes as my voice shook. "Hey hey hey Y/n, I don't even want you to think about finishing that sentence." he gave me a stern look, his eyebrows furrowing. "It's your first time, of course it's going to he daunting. But you're my wife and I know any experience with you will be perfect. And if it isn't what you hoped it would be then we have the rest of our lives to get it right." he held both of my hands in his, looking at me with soft eyes. It's not that he always knew the right thing to say, he only knew the right thing to say. The fact that it was our wedding night and he was completely fine with waiting even longer for me if I wasn't 100% comfortable, was enough to make all my nerves disappear. Never have I loved, and never will I ever love a man as much as I do Harry. He's always been so encouraging, gentle and understanding throughout our time together and all I want to do know is show him how grateful I am for him simply being him. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, crashing my lips into his. I obviously caught him off guard but he quickly attached his hands to my hips, pulling me into him. He moaned my name against my lips and I took the chónce to slip my tongue past his. He slowly began to walk us closer to the bed, our mouths never leaving each other all the while. I pushed his suit jacket off his shoulders, gripping onto the fabric of his shirt tightly. His lips left mine only to travel down to my collarbone. He peppered kisses onto my shoulder and brought his hands around to the back of my dress. He gave me a questioning look, asking if it was okay. I bit my lip, nodding in approval. He quickly pulled the zipper down, allowing the fabric to fall from my chest. Since it was a mermaid style I had to shimmy out of it to bring it down past my waist. I stepped out of the dress, leaving it a pool of white on the floor. "Wow." he held back a gasp, taking my hand and twirling me in a circle to see me. "All this for me?" he shook his head, his hands exploring the white lingerie I'd bought just for this night. "Who else?" I asked seductively, leaning over to nibble on his ear. He groaned, his hips grinding onto me slightly. He brought me back in for a heated kiss and I began to loosen his tie. He must've sensed I was having trouble with it since he chuckled, removing my hands from it so he could undo it himself. I eagerly began to unbutton his shirt, nearly ripping it off to reveal his toned, tattooed chest. I took in a breath, my eyes widening at how perfectly sculpted he was. I attached my lips to his chest, leaving open mouth kisses on his skin. He groaned, tugging on my hair softly so I'd bring my lips back to his. His hands wandered over to my bum, giving it a light squeeze before he whispered for me to jump. I did as I was told, hooking my arms around his neck again and letting my hands tug at the hair on the nape of his neck. He began to kiss along my chest, his tongue darting past his lips as he got to my breasts. He walked over to the end of the bed, carefully setting me down on the warm duvet. I bit my lip seductively, scooting back so I was by the pillows. He gave me a look of lust as he undid his belt, tugging down his pants just as quickly. He crawled onto the bed after me so that he was hovering over my body. "You..." he captured my lips in a slow kiss. "are" he kissed my cheek. "so" my shoulder. "so" my cleavage. "damn" my stomach. "beautiful." he stopped right above the hem of my thong. I sighed and felt my panties begin to get wet when his fingers brushed against my thighs and I squeezed my legs together for relief. He looked up at me, resting his head atop my stomach. He slipped a finger into the hem of my underwear. Just when I thought he was about to tug them down he smirks, blowing raspberries on my stomach. "Harry!" I squeak, my legs instinctively kicking as I erupted into laughter. "God! You're such a mood killer!" I smack his shoulder lightly. "Just kidding babe." he chuckles lowly before allowing his lips to meet mine again. I sucked on his lower lip, earning a moan from him. He slid a hand into my panties, letting his fingers brush against where I needed him most before pulling his hand out again. I whined, rolling my hips up against his in protest. He bit down on my lip before releasing a groan. He grabbed my left hand, bringing it to rest on his briefs. "God, Y/n do you see what you're doing to me?" he huffed, pressing my hand against his fully erect shaft which begged to be released from the fabric that contained it. He brought his lips back on mine while I stroked him through his Calvin Kleins, occasionally grabbing it to hear him release a strangled moan. He suddenly broke the kiss, making me whine. He sat back on his knees and slowly brought me up too before wrapping his arms around me tightly. He quickly undid the clasp of my bra, allowing it to fall from my chest since it was strapless. My nipples hardened once hit with the cool temperature of the hotel suite. He wasted no time, diving his head into the valley of my breasts and adoring each one. A gasp fell from my lips when he lightly tugged on one of my nipples with his teeth, my skin burning with desire. He paused in his actions, looking over my facial expressions. "Am I hu-" he began, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. "No baby I'll tell you if you're hurting me. But right now...just please..." I moaned when he began to kiss on me again. "d-don't stop." His hands dropped from my back onto the bed, trapping me between his arms as I softly fell back. His lips returned back to my jugular as his left hand went to cup my boob, kneading it gently. "Harry..." I whined, digging my nails into his shoulders as he slowly began to grind on me. "Y/ are so damn beautiful." he breathed against my skin, lowering himself and allowing his lips to move down my body, getting painfully close to my heat. I squirmed underneath him as he bit down on the skin by my hipbone, his hand wandering into the last bit of material I wore. I whined impatiently, causing him to chuckle as he tugged them down my legs teasingly slow. "Just tell me if anything I'm doing isn't okay." he whispered into my ear before lowering himself down between my open legs. I nodded, biting down on my lip to hold in a moan. He timidly slid his tongue into me, barely grazing my walls. A sound similar to a squeak left my lips and my hips bucked involuntarily. He held me down with his right hand, allowing him to properly indulge in my juices without me moving so much. His tongue slowly moved faster, flicking in and out of me before sucking on my outer lips. "H-harry." I gasped, tangling my fingers into his hair for my sanity when his other hand went to rub circles into my clit. I gripped onto the sheets with my other hand, biting into my lip so hard I thought it might bleed. My knees bent and I brought my legs in closer to me as my toes curled, the pleasure my husband was causing me coursing through my body. My inner thighs quaked and I pushed his head into me more as I struggled to control my breathing. "Mmm...honey you taste so good." he hummed against my core, kissing my dripping heat. "Ba-baby I think I'm about to-" I mewled, grinding myself onto his mouth. I was cut off as the pressure built up in my abdomen lifted, causing me to cry out his name. I loosened my hold on his hair as my whole body spasmed, squeezing his head between my legs. He smirked up at me when I finally came down from my high. "You good?" he chuckled, placing a careful kiss on me just below my clit. Not having enough strength to speak I nodded vigorously, allowing my hand to stroke over his hair. Not waiting any longer, he cautiously dipped a finger inside me, gauging my reaction. I threw my head back into the pillows, each touch from him feeling even more heightened after my recent orgasm. Before long he allowed another finger to slip in, stretching me more. I thought he was done but without warning he entered a third, curling his digits up to make me lose what little breath I had. I ran my hands down the top of his back, desperately wanting to touch him in any way possible. Then, he stopped. He just stopped. "Harry?!" I whined childishly, lifting my head slightly to look at him in bewilderment. I know I sounded awfully desperate, but I needed him now more than ever. I wanted to connect with him in a new way, to have him in or on me in any sense, to be as close to him as possible and still feel as if I couldn't get close enough to him. His lips danced on my skin until he reached mine again, capturing me in a passionate kiss. "Are you okay?" he whispered into my ear as he squeezed my hips in his hands. "Y-yeah. A-are you?" I answered breathlessly, looking into his eyes. "Never been better." he smirked, going to nibble on the skin behind my ear as one hand wandered to my nether region. I bit down on his shoulder as he began to massage circles into my bundle of nerves. "N-need you. Baby I need you." I whined, peppering kisses by his collarbone. "Are you ready?" his voice rasped as he looked me over with concern. "I'm ready Harry." I nodded, reaching up to caress his cheek. He positioned himself before my entrance, looking up into my eyes one last time before moving his hand between us to place his leaking erection into me. He slowly pushed inside, obviously trying his best not to hurt me. "Oh!" I gasped at the new, painful feeling between my legs, digging my nails into my palms. He looked over my pained features and quickly interlocked his fingers with mine, pushing my hands down into the mattress. "I'm sorry baby." he apologized sincerely as he took in my contorted expression. "It-it's fine. You can move now." I hissed, holding onto his hands as if my life depended on it. He nodded and pulled his hips back before rocking forward, this movement much more welcome to my body. With each thrust the pain began to dull, soon being replaced with immense pleasure. I mewled as he slowly fell into a rhythm, hitting a spot inside me I didn't even know was there. "Y/n...ah you're so tight." he groaned as he rolled into me. "Har- this feels so goo- OH GOD!" I threw my head back as he rammed into my g-spot and I felt my stomach tighten. "Tonight is all about you. I just want to show you how much you mean to me." he moaned as he brought his lips to mine. The kiss was slow but sensual, his tongue massaging mine as we moaned and groaned into each other's mouths. I wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him closer, causing him to hit a totally different angle. "HARRY! I'M GONNA–AHH!" I screamed, biting down on his lip as I tried to hold on longer. "Just a little longer baby. I want us to do this together." He rolled his hips into mine slowly, although I could tell it was getting harder and harder for him to control his pace and thrusts. "Come on Mrs.Styles. Cum for me. Let me know how good I'm making you feel." he basically growled, pounding into me one last time. I let go, shouting his name and his name only as I felt myself squirt all over him. He released simultaneously, his warm, thick cum shooting inside me and colliding with my own. "Ugh Y/n, I love you!!" he screamed as he rocked into me. I bucked my hips up, rolling into him as we rode out our highs. He pulled out of me, falling down into the comforter beside me. He just lay there, panting for a minute or so before pulling my bare body closer. My breasts pressed into his chest and I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. I felt a dull throbbing between my legs but ignored it, tangling our legs together. I was completely spent. "That...was amazing." I breathed out, pressing a chaste kiss to his skin. "You're amazing." he praised me, wrapping his arm more tightly around me. "Are you alright? Are you hurting?" he turned his head to the side so he could see me more clearly. "Harry I'm fine." I shook my head, giggling at how compassionate he was. "Just completely exhausted." I sighed, cuddling into his body more. "You can't be exhausted! We haven't even been on the honeymoon yet!" he teased. "Trust me. I have more than enough energy for the honeymoon." I purred into his ear, lightly biting his lobe. "I love you." he rasped, sighing contently. "I love you too." I mumbled as a smile spread across my face. I pulled back slightly so I could see his features better. "Thank you for waiting for me." "For you I'd wait a hundred years and more if it meant I'd be able to spend the rest of my life loving you like this." he let a finger fall onto my lips before taking my wedded hand and pressing a kiss to it.

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