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 I do not own This I found on Tumblr  

Summary: When Harry gets a new roommate, he gets more than what he bargained for.

Word Count: 19k

Warnings: smut

Tropes: Roommates, Slow Burn, super fucking soft, art souls.


Trouvaille : (french) meaning "a lucky find"


His thumb absentmindedly fidgeted with the chunky silver band around his finger, rolling it over and over again as he studied Valentina with tired, but alert, green eyes. She wondered for the umpteenth time how she'd even ended up sitting across from the moody artist at a coffee shop at seven AM, but the answer was simple: she really needed a place to .

Valentina hadn't been ignorant to the challenges that would come with finding a new place for the start of term, but when her room mate had dropped out last minute and left Valentina to a two bedroom apartment she couldn't afford herself, she knew she wouldn't be able to find someone dumb enough to move into the small shithole on such short notice, and that had left her one option.

"So why's the room vacant? What happened to your last roommate?" Valentina asked, sipping at her black coffee as she eyed the man whose first words to her had been "I already had coffee, been here since six." in a British accent that had had her heart flip flopping the moment she sat down.

"Never had one." the guy stated simply, as if that explained everything. His left hand sat on the table, pads of his fingers creating soft thudding sounds as he tapped them against the dark wood.

"But it's a two bedroom-"

"Parents pay for it." he said. Once more, his words were a statement. The look in his eyes told Valentina that he wasn't the kind of guy who liked to be questioned, likely viewing any inquiry she made as meddlesome and intrusive. His gaze was piercing and direct, the man sitting in front of Valentina wasn't the type to shy away from doing socially questionable things, that much was obvious. He took her in fully, and she felt like she was under inspection, as if any wrong move would set him off and she'd be back to searching for an apartment. So Valentina kept her mouth shut.

"Surprised you did a facebook ad." Valentina said to clear the silence, hoping this was an okay subject to discuss, "your pictures are amazing, and your price is really affordable, would have thought if you'd put it somewhere else-"

"Was hoping no one would see it." he said, tilting his head as he gaged her reaction.

"Oh." she couldn't help the frown that marred her features as she set down her , "so why-"

"Parents said I need a roommate." he leaned forward for the first time, elbows on the table as he encroached on her as if he was about to tell her a special, dirty little secret, "apparently, I'm not social enough."

At such a distance, she could appreciate the green of his eyes, the strong chiseled jaw, his pretty pink lips, the beautiful dark curls that she wanted to run her fingers through - and Valentina was, without a doubt, slightly overwhelmed by it all. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment as they just studied each other. She wondered if his eyes perhaps looked so devastatingly bright because of the comfy, large green sweatshirt he was wearing, a hole in the collar drawing her attention briefly. She could feel his breath on her face and she inhaled, some primal part of her hoping to get a hint of a taste of what the beautiful boy might smell like, but alas, she was met only with the aroma of roast coffee beans that blanketed the store at all hours of the day.

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