Harry Styles

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So... #Imagine You are at work. You're super bored!
When you get a reminder text from Harry that you're supposed to go to the airport and pick him up... You had asked for your last hour that were actually supposed to be working to go pick him up.
You're about to leave when your boss comes and tells you "Amanda is going into labor so she actually had to leave" you knew Amanda decided to work up until she had her baby. "Oh and also Isaiah just puked... So I don't think I can let you go early. I'm going to need you to stay here."
"Okay," you say and then sigh loudly after you know your boss is out of earshot.

You text Harry 'Babe there's just too much going on at work, I can't get the time off.' You explain to him in the text.
"It'll be okay I'll see you at home!" He says
But it didn't feel okay.

So, you go to the airport after work and it looks normal. 'He must've gotten a ride home somehow?' You think. 'Alicia!' You add to your thoughts!

So you go back home after a few minutes.

You walk in the door and there's a candlelit dinner on the table and a Harry Styles in a suit and tie standing there waiting for you!

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