Chapter 55

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It was silent when Gar was taking me back up the stairs. I wanted to say something like, 'Thank you for defending me' or whatever but looking at his serious facial expression it made me not to. Once we got to the room he laid me back on my bed and said, "I got to go bye," he was about to leave when I grabbed his arm and yanked him towards me hard, making him fall on top of my body. I quickly hugged him not wanting to let go and said, "I'm sorry for whatever it was that made you sad or mad I didn't mean it and thank you for standing up for me against my dad even though I could've done it myself," I chuckled at the end making him want to chuckle. He just sighed and got back up breaking the hug. "Why do you defend him Rae? I know he's your father and all but I was judt trying to help you..." Gar said staring at the ground looking sadder than ever. "I'm sorry Gar it's just by instinct to defend your family member(s) even though you know they are wrong...I didn't mean to take sides I just wanted the fight to stop already.... I hear it a lot with my mother and father I don't need to hear it with my bestfriend and my father too..." I said tearing up a bit and looking down at my bed. Gar leaned forward and picked up my chin with his hand making me look up at him. "Aw man I'm sorry Rae I didn't know that you had to go through that...If I would've known I wouldn't have argued with your dad if it meant not hurting you..." He said pouting a bit but still looking at me. I didn't want to talk about it anymore so I did the easiest thing, I kissed him.

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