Daddy's girl

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Samantha's POV

Hi my name is Samantha Payne , I'm 16 years old, and I'm YouTube famous. I got my singing from my dad but my personality from my mum. My mum is Eleanor Calader and my father is Liam Payne and he has no idea who I am. I really don't care that he has no idea that I existu and I try to avoid him at all costs. But that's kinda hard when my best friend is Arianna Malik and she always wants me to go to her parents house with her. I hate having to make up excuses but I don't think I can stand to see him with out yelling at him. So now that you know everything about me now you have to come and enjoy the roller coaster that is my life.


A/N hey guys 😄😄😄 well I decided since my first fanfic was suck a hit why not make another one. This is my story so please don't copy it. Okay? In working really hard on it and the last thing I want is for someone else to take it. Okay? Good! Now sit back and eat a piece of bacon while reading.

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