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               Louis's POV

   I know I screwed up badly when she didn't turn back. I tried to go after her but suddenly I was slammed into some boy. He looked at me, got up, flipped me off, and walked away.

   By the time I got over to her she was driving away in Liam's car. Well shit there goes a part of my plan.

     'Not all is lost yet Lou, you still have the concert.' my conscious said and I smirked. there's No way in hell she'll wanna stay near Liam after this.

    I chuckled and called Jack.

    "Do you have everything set up?" I asked impatiently.

      "All set and ready to go." Jack replied and I could here the smirk in his voice.

     "This better work." I said,.slightly annoyed it was taking this long to put my plan in action.

      "It will No worries." Jack smoothly replied with a certainty in his voice.

    "You better hope it does." I growled before hanging up the phone and walking to my car.

      A part of me felt bad for doing this to Liam but I wanted Samantha as my daughter and if it isn't by blood I still want that bond No matter how many terrible things I have to do to get it.

   Arianna's POV

    I wiped my eyes and sighed as I closed the photo Album.

    "I'm such an idiot." I said barely over a wiser to myself as I hugged the album to my chest the memories flowing though my head between Sammi and me, making the ache in my heart even more intense.

    "Hey Ari can I come in?" I hear Niall say through the door.

     "Sure, Whatever I don't care." I replied, my voice cracking mid-sentence.

      Niall opened the door his blonde quiff slightly ruffled looking as if he had ran his hands through it many times before. Niall takes a seat on my bed and looks at me as if to say 'explain.'

       "Whats up?" I ask barely over a whisper, putting through album under my pillow and trying to play dumb but the look Niall gave me after proved to me he isn't buying it.

     "What's going on? Yesterday you were happy and jumpy running around dancing and Texting but today you're all sad and mopey not leaving your room, and I'm guessing looking through that photo album that you put under your pillow." Niall said pointing to the photo album I failed to hide.

     "Lets just say I lost my best friend yesterday." I said softly, but that was an understatement. Sam wasn't just my best friend she was my sister, my partner in crime, my shoulder to cry on when I was upset, my confidence when my crush was around, she was basically my diary always by my side and always there to listen to my problems and give solutions.

     I'd never forget her and I didn't want to.

   "Well the look on your face tells me other wise but I'm not gonna press for answers. The only thing i cant tell you is don't give up on her if she really means something to you. if she's your best friend and you made a mistake then fix it or at least try. and if she made a mistake then forgive her no matter how big it may seem now. Because no matter how big it is now it wont be so big later in life." Niall said.

    "Woah uncle Niall I'm not used to you being all Cereal like that. But as always your right and thank you." I said wrapping my arms around him and squeezing.

    " Cereal? I'm not even gonna ask and your welcome lass." He responded,giving me a slight squeeze before getting up, leaving my room and shouting "Zayn I'm becoming a better father then you to your own child"

    Then i heard Uncle Ni start running into his room and dad's voice shouting "You'll regret that Horan" before running up the stairs and into uncle Niall's room, then a whole bunch of girly shrieks.

     I shook my head and laughed. My family everyone.


   Whats up people i iz back! ok so i know y'all has been waiting on lil ole me to update this book and im gonna stop doing that now. sorry

lol anyway i dedicate this chapter to  bum bum buh bah!

@weirdo_for_life for reminding me that people read and actually like this horrible thing

anyway i love you guys and ill try to update soon

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