Chapter 3 pity

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Samantha's POV

After we told Louis everything that happened he stood up and walked over to me.

He lifted me on my feet and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

Once he let me go I looked at him confused but then I saw it. The one thing I hate most. Pity.

"STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT." I yelled at him filling with rage.

"Like what?" He asked.

"I DONT NEED YOUR PITY THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I LIVED 16 YEARS WITH NO FATHER AND THATS THE SAME LOOK EVERYONE ALWAYS GIVES ME WHEN THEY FIND OUT. I HATE IT."I yelled in his face, storming up to my room, opening the door and slamming it causing Arianna to jump.

My walls are sound proof so she didn't hear me yelling. Mum closed the door.

Arianna saw my face and quickly turned on the light and turned off the movie.

She put up my punching bag and sat on my bed.

I grabbed my knuckle wrap, wrapped it around my knuckles, and began punching and kicking.

After what happened at the party I need to know how to defend myself.

I knew Arianna is waiting for me to start ranting out my problems but Im not going to. Not this time.

"Ari I think it's best if you leave." I growled and began hitting my punching bag even harder.

"Ok but call me of you need anything ok" she said worriedly.

I nodded my head. She turned around and left my room, leaving it slightly open.

When I heard his voice I began punching even harder. That arsehole pity's me. HE FUCKING PITY'S ME. He should be pitying himself cuz he isn't my dad.

Dad. The one word I never got to use. That arsehole had the pleasure of being my first word. Daddy.

Tears began pricking my eyes but I blinked them back, not wanting to cry for him.

He doesn't deserve my tears. He deserves a punch in the face.

For never being there for me. For letting me grow up without a dad. For leaving mum alone with a child she didn't want. For making my mum break her own heart.

I didn't notice how hard I was punching my bag until I heard a crash.

I look down to see that I ripped my punching bag open. I look at my knuckles and sure enough they're bleeding.

My mum and Louis come running up the stairs to see what broke and when they saw my bag broken on the floor Louis gasped but mum just chuckled and said" we'll get you a new one tomorrow"

Louis looked at me wide eyed. "How'd it brea-and then he looked at my fists and the blood seeping through.

"Im going to the basement" I mumble still shaking with rage, not bothering to change my bandages.

I shove past Louis and run down the stairs.

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