Chapter 11 flashbacks and photo albums

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Arianna's POV

I know Sam is mad at me. I saw it in her face when I told her that I let Liam know.

Now he won't stop asking me questions about her. He just went to the bathroom so I finally got a break.

I was going to the kitchen to get me some left over Nando's when I stepped on something soft.

I looked under my feet to see my photo album. Sam had the exact same one.

It's our photo album. I have the whole thing full of pictures of her and me and her alone.

I pick up the photo album and sit cross legged on the floor.

I open it to see a little Sam riding a plastic baby motorcycle. I remember her telling me about it.


I'm looking around Samantha's room to find out more about her.

We got paired up as partners for a science project and I know nothing about her.

She went to the kitchen so this is the perfect time to look for something about her. I look at her bookshelf until I find a photo album labeled 'memories'

I pull it out, sit on her bed, and open the photo album to the first page.

There's a picture of a cute, chubby little girl on a plastic motorcycle laughing and looking right at the camera.

Under the picture there's a caption that says 'Sammi's first ride'. I smile at the cute picture and flip the page.

But before I can look through it anymore, Samantha takes the book from me and sends me a glare.

"Listen here Malik, you're not here to look at my baby pictures. You're here because you and me got paired for a science project. That's it. This isn't some dumbarse slumber party that you have with you little friends. Once we're done you're leaving and that's that. I don't want to see you with this ever again. Got it Malik?!?" She growled at me.

Damn bitchey much? I could tell just by how she reacted se had a secret. A bad past that he wanted to forget.

I nodded my head and went back to my work, annoyed by the twat the science teacher gave me for a partner.

But little did I know this twat would become my best friend.

******flashback ends******

I smiled at the memory, she's a crazy one alright.

Liam came out of the bathroom and sat next to me.

"What's that?" He asked curiously. I smiled at him.

"It's a photo album that me and Sammi made together." I said, smiling at the next picture of a 12 year old Sammi doing the duck face at me while we were at the beach.

"She's beautiful" Liam said, softly taking the photo album from my grasp and examining the picture.

Third person's POV

Tears blurred Liam's vision as he realized he would never be able to witness his daughter take her first steps, he would never be able to hear her first word.

Never be able to meet her first boyfriend, or be able to teach her how to ride a bike. He'll never be able to see her go to school for the first time or tuck her in and read her a bed time story, he'll never see her loose her first tooth or have her call him 'daddy'.

Samantha was 16 years old now, he missed 16 years of her life and he promised himself he wouldn't miss another one, no matter what it took he would be there for his baby girl.

But little did he know she was hurting too. She will never be able to look at anyone and say "my dad loves me" or "my dad was always there for me" because then she would be lying.

She wishes her dad was there for her and that he didn't leave her mum to raise her on her own.

There was somethings her mum couldn't handle. Like when someone almost raped her at a party, or when Sam was bullied relentlessly for 3 years.

Sometimes Sam needed her daddy to tell her he loved her but he wasn't there. He never was, and that's what drove her insane.

That all she ever wanted is for her dad to come up to her and say 'i love you sweetie' or 'I'm so proud of you'.

But she never got that and she tormented herself everyday because of it.

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