The cliff part 2

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Samantha's POV

Liam ran to the top, me close behind, and sat down on the edge.

I sat down next to him, smiling at the familiar place that I visit more than. I should.

"I love coming here you know, to clear my head, let some steam out, or just look up at the stars," I said laying back on the grass and looking up at the stars.

Liam sighed and looked at me, an unreadable look on his face. Suddenly I hear a rustle in the bushes and I smile. But Liam sprang up in front of me.

"Whoever you are come out and fight like a man!". Liam called out, getting into a fighting position. I chuckled as the small white and brown bunny appeared from the bushes, his brown nose in the air, his ears flopping around as he passed Liam and came over to me.

"Careful Liam, he's dangerous." I joked sitting up as the adorable creature crawled in my lap and nuzzled my hand.

Liam's cheeks flushed red as he sat next to me and scratched his neck nervously chuckling.

"Hey fluff. Whats up buddy?" I talked to the animal I've become so fond of. Somehow he always knows when I come here and he always comes over to me.

I stood up, fluff in my arms, and I walked over to the tree, picking a couple of the best berries I saw before feeding them to fluff.

I walked back over to Liam and sat back next to him. I held a couple more berries in my hands and passed them to Liam.

"Here feed them to him, he loves them." I said.

Liam opened his palm out, the berries fresh on his hand. Fluff slowly walked over to him, sniffing his hand to see what they were before slowly eating the berries.

    " It feels weird. " Liam said as fluff finished the berries.

  .I chuckled and said "Yeah I know but you get used to it. somehow he always finds me when I'm here. Mum took me here when I asked where you were for the first time. when she told me that I was an accident. Now when ever I'm upset I come here. When I'm mad I'll go to The Boxing Ring but Jonnah doesn't want me there. Jonnah becane my father figure when you weren't there.He gave me £7000 pounds to move out and make my life what I want it to be." I said smiling at the sky as I thought of my father figure.

     "Remind me to thank him." Liam said laying down his hands folded under his head , looking up at the stars and smiling.

       " Will do." I replied laying next to him,fluff snuggling in my side.

        And at the moment nothing bothered me. Not that stupid Fangirl , not Louis, not even the fact that Liam wasn't there for me because he's here now and he isn't going anywhere.

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