Chapter 12: daddy daughter day

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Samantha's POV

I woke up with the sun peeping through the windows.

It's Saturday so I didn't have to go to school today. I'm glad to because I'm pretty sure I look like shit. Well what do you expect when you cry yourself to sleep?

I rolled out of my bed, and began walking to my bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and chuckled at my appearance. Boy was I right.

My hair was a giant knot above my head, my face had giant tear streaks down my face, and my clothes have tear stains all over.

I stripped out of my P.Js and turned on the water.

I walked into the shower and began washing the knot on the top of my head, trying to fix it a little bit.

I finished taking a shower and wrapped my black fluffy towel around my body and walked out.

The cool air kissed my skin as goosebumps forms on my arms.

I walked over to my drawer and pulled out some bleach washed pants. I pulled out my sky blue shirt that says 'I'd tell you to kiss my ass but then you'd fall in love and i'll never get rid of you'

I pulled out a black lace bra, with matching underwear and slipped them on. I put on my clothes then went to the bathroom to fix the monster that is my hair.

Liam's POV

I got in my car and began to drive to Eleanor's house, praying that Samantha was still there.

Luckily she was still home, or at least her car is.

I went and knocked on the door. No response. I knocked again and this time I heard a faint "I'm coming calm you tits"

I chuckled at my daughter. She's definitely Eleanor's kid. I wonder what she got from me.

She opened the door and I smiled at her. She has a sky blue shirt on that says I'd tell you to kiss my ass but then you'd fall in love and i'll never get rid of you' with some bleach washed pants to match. Her hair was out in curls, locked in a sky blue head band.

"What do ya need?" She asked tilting her head slightly to the left.

"Well I was thinking, well I was hoping- spit it out man I don't have all day" she cut me off impatiently. Ah she got that from me.

"I was hoping that we could have a daddy daughter day. Just you and me. I know I haven't been the best dad in the world and I just wanna get to know my little princess." I said rubbing the back of my neck. She sent me a small smile.

"So that's where I get that from." She said looking like she realized something.

"What?" I asked anxiously.

"When I'm nervous or stressed I rub the back of my neck." She said pointing to my hand.

"Hold on." She added disappearing into the house to get something. Probably her phone.

Samantha's POV

I rushed up to my room to get the laptop that had all of my life in it.

I walked back down stairs and ushered him inside.

I sat next to him and opened the laptop.

"Why'd you bring this laptop down?" Liam asked.

"I'm gonna show you what you missed." I said simply.

Once it was all started up I went to the videos and clicked on the first one. "Hey Liam, if your watching this. Say hi Sammi." Mum said putting the camera on me.

I waved and sent a cute two toothed smile.

~~~~~~~4 hours later~~~~~~~

Liam's POV

"Wow" I said, looking at my 16 year old baby girl. She sent me a small smile.

She looked hesitant to do something, then she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tightly, almost as if she's afraid if she let go I would leave again.

"I love you daddy." She said, and I could feel the tears on my shirt.

I lifted her chin up to meet my eyes and I smiled warmly at my girl, tears brewing in my own eyes.

She called me daddy.

"I love you to princess." I said kissing the top of her head and held her in my arms.

"Are you gonna leave me again?" She blurted out. She covered her mouth looking at me wide eyed.

" I'm not going anywhere." I responded pulling her back into my embrace.

"Promise" She asked into my chest.

"Promise" I confirmed, kissing the top of her head.

And I drifted off, my baby girl in my arms.

Louis's POV

Eleanor and I walked into the house, the lights were off so I turned them on.

What I saw made a bullet of jealousy hit me in the chest.

Liam held Samantha in his arms, they were both asleep.

She let him in? Before me? Wow Im feeling the love.

"Wow I can't believe she did it." Eleanor said smiling at the 2 on the couch.

"Did what?" I asked jealousy spreading like a wild fire.

"She forgave him."

The three words that pushed me over the edge.

I stomped up the stairs and slammed the door behind me.

UGGGH! How dare he take my spot as her father figure. Sure he's her real dad but if he didn't do MY girlfriend this would have never happened .

I was gonna take her to the carnival tomorrow too. Eli told me how that's her favorite place to go.

And he just had to ruin my chances of being her father figure huh.

Suddenly I felt a plan starting in my head. Look out Liam because I'm not going down without a fight . 😈

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