Chapter 4

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       After I cleaned Karalyn up, the two of us walked to the main room to get through this tiresome event. Again I heard the arguing before I got in the room.

        Oh God, what now? Couldn't Senor Douche go five minutes without setting off a global crisis? It's like he lived for the confrontation.

        The crowd, which had dwindled since the start of the day, was as quiet as a mouse as they watched the scene unfold. There was Jackson, face twisted into a nasty snarl, going at it with the world's most pain in the ass news anchor. Oh that was it, I wanted him out of my place, money be damned.

        "Say it again. Say the shit to my face!" Jackson looked like he was ready punch Bo. Knowing Bo, he'd use that as a chance to sue so I went into damage control mode yet again.

        "What the hell's going on?" I stepped between Jackson and the table where Bo was seated, looking as arrogant as usual.

        "I only asked the man to bring me a few things." Bo said calmly.

        "You should have heard him Evie. Should have heard the way this motherfucker was talking to me! Like I'm his goddamn slave."

        "Okay, I'm going to solve this. Mr. Conway, I'd like you out of my establishment now." I had a feeling Bo would demand his money back for kicking him out but I had to put my employees well being above my own...even when it hurts.

        "I'd be happy to leave. After you give me what was promised to me."

        "And what's that?"

        "A space to meet my fans, some of your world famous tea, and cake to die for. So far you're two for three and if you get me that last one I'll gladly pay you for the full four hours." His eyes got vicious then. "Hey you, Snoop Dog! Why don't you go get me a piece of that cake?"

        I thought I was going to have to physically restrain Jackson, a task I have to say that would have been impossible since he outweighs me by at least 150 pounds. To my surprise, my cousin took a deep breath then looked Bo in the eye and said:

        "You ain't worth going back to jail for." Then he turned on his heel and walked into the kitchen.

        "And make it snappy. I've got better people to see."

        He stalked back into the room and all but tossed the slice of cake in front of Bo. Sitting a fork down forcibly in front of him.

        "Now eat your shit and bounce."

        Bo smiled and took a tentative bite of the cake.

        "Hey, this is pretty good. I wasn't expecting someone like you to be able to make a decent cake but it's pretty delicious." He took another bite. " A strain on society your whole life, it's good to know that the depth of your accomplishment in this world is measured by a piece of cake. Congratulations on being promoted from crack whore to kitchen bitch, your mother must be proud." He laughed.

        Before I could react Jackson had maneuvered past me and lunged toward Bo, pulling him out of his seat and yanking him to his level by his collar.

        "Jackson!" I yelled as two patrons stepped up and grabbed Jackson by his arms, trying to pry his death grip away from Bo.

       But Jackson was too strong, years of gang-banging and prison life had left him not only hard, but incredibly tough. He shook Bo by the collar and then without warning dropped him like yesterday's trash. Bo lay crumpled on the floor, his suit wrinkled and his eyes wide with fear.

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