Chapter 20

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              On the hour drive I dialed and redialed Karalyn’s number, but she wasn’t picking up. I made my way west toward Queen’s Dock, speeding through a dangerous amount of red lights in the process. By the time I turned down her street it was a little past two in the morning. The thought had occurred to me to call Detective Juarez, but honestly I didn’t think he would want to be bothered with me at this point. He probably wouldn’t even believe me.

            The gate was open so I pulled Douglas up the circle driveway and ran up the cobblestone walk toward the huge oak door. I ignored the creepy feeling of being watched again (I was getting used to it anyway) and rang the doorbell, but got no answer. The whole house was dead quiet and covered in darkness except for the porch light and a single light shining from a room on the second floor. I started pounding on the door.

            “Karalyn!”  I tried to be quiet as I didn’t want to alert the neighbors to the crazy person trying to break into their neighbor’s house. Okay, plan B.

            I started searching around for a good hiding place for a spare key. I looked under the flower pot, under the mat, and under a suspicious looking rock that turned out to be an actual rock. Damn, no luck. Maybe I’d get lucky and find another window.

            “What are you doing?”

            I gave an abrupt yelp then spun around, nearly losing my balance in the process. Standing behind me was Johnny, looking about as shabby and irritable as he usually did. My hand went to my chest in an effort to calm my erratic heartbeat.

            “What in the holy blue hell is wrong with you? Make a noise when you walk!”

            “Sorry.” He shrugged, unconcerned. “What are you doing?”

            “If you must know, Mr. Nosy Britches, I’m trying to warn my friend but she’s not answering and it’s urgent.”

            “Urgent, you say?” He walked closer and nonchalantly picked up the rock. “You can get in the old fashion way.” I stared at him.

            “That rock’s real, I already looked for a key.”

            He rolled his eyes at me. “No genius, throw the rock through a window.”

            “I’m not looking to commit a crime.”

            “You do know it’s against the law to enter someone’s home without permission, even if you had found a key.”

            “Okay, then I just don’t want to cause property damage.” He sighed at this.

            “Fine, why do you have to make everything difficult? Got a couple bobby pins?” He tossed the rock aside.


            “I’m gonna pick the lock.”

            “Wait a minute. A mysterious drifter who goes from town to town leaving no trails and putting down no roots that has an envelope full of money and you just happen to know how to pick locks. Johnny, are you a cat burglar?”

            “No. You got a bobby pin or not?”

            “I do.” I jogged the short distance back to Douglas and retrieved my purse from the passenger seat. Since my hair can be pretty out of control I often break hair clips and rubber bands so I usually keep a couple spares on me. I grabbed a handful and returned to where Johnny had crouched in front of Karalyn’s deadbolt.

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