Chapter 16

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Okay, I admit it. I have imagined Detective Juarez in my bedroom before. Just not quite like this. And certainly not looking this pissed off.

                He stood here now with two other cops who were busy taking pictures and searching my apartment for any more unpleasant surprises.

                While seated on the couch in the living room long numb from shock, I watched as he strode toward me, purpose and anger present on his face. He stopped in front of me opening his mouth slightly, then thought better of it.

                He was wearing yet another of the many cop faces of Manny Juarez. This one was scary mad with a slim layer of concern buried underneath. The face he used when talking to generally harmless yet bluntly defiant citizens. The face I’ve dubbed the I’m-going-to-mediphorically-kick-your-ass-if-you-don’t-do-what-I-say face. He looked like he wanted to give me a spanking; like he was my father or something and he’d just caught the neighbor’s son sneaking out of my bedroom. That’s not a good face.

                “Why can’t you just-didn’t I say-“He merely sighed. “I don’t need this now. I’ve got everyone on my ass, hounding me to solve this thing. I can’t babysit you right now.”

                “I don’t need to be babysat.” I said boldly.

                “Sure you don’t.” He said, his voice all sarcasm. “It’s perfectly normal for you to receive threatening messages and run around town like some vigilante trying to solve murders and catch the bad guys. And don’t think I don’t know about your little high speed chase the other day.”

                “How’d you find out?”

                “I have my sources and besides, it’s not like you’re the master of subtlety. The whole damn town knows who you are and when you’re coming. You enter a room and it’s like hurricane Evelyn’s coming to town!”

                “Okay, so I don’t exactly blend in but listen, I’ve learned some really interesting things since the last time we talked.”

                He let out a frustrated sigh. “You never learn, do you?”

                “Well I am known around town as the patron saint of hardheadedness. Ask my mother.”

                “This isn’t funny. By sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong you could jeopardize the case or worse, you could get hurt.” He sat down across from me on the edge of my coffee table so we were face to face.

                “These are just empty threats,” I gestured toward my bedroom. “No one’s going to hurt me. He just wants to scare me so I’ll stop looking for answers. If anything me antagonizing this maniac is a good thing. Eventually I’ll have to run into him.”

                “And what do you think he’s going to do if he catches you alone? What do you think will happen if you keep antagonizing a person who was crazy enough to kill before-" He stopped abruptly, realizing for the first time that he was actually taking the time to argue a case with a civilian. “I’m only going to say this one more time, stop bothering the suspects and stay out of police business.” He stood up, trying to use his height as a mode of intimidation.

                “Or what?” I stood up too, defiantly trying to match his height. Well, mostly.

                “If you continue to interfere in police business I’ll have no choice but to arrest you.”

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