Chapter 10

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        I had wondered how a news anchor could afford such a huge house and now I understood why. Bo was loaded. I needed to figure out who would get his money in case of death. All logic in me told me it was Karalyn, but you could never be sure.

        "Watson, I need you to look up something for me." I said into my cell phone.

        "What now?" Henry was a little upset with me because I had pretty much commandeered his car. Now he was stuck at home, something he hated because it meant he’d absolutely have to work on his novel.

        "I need you to find out who Bo's beneficiary is." I was at my apartment, carefully shrugging into a blue silk button down shirt. The t.v. was blaring silently in the background.

       "And just how the hell am I supposed to get that information? All that would be classified."

        "Don't you have a friend who does this kind of shit for a living?" Henry was friends with this creepy hacker guy who lived in his friend's basement and spent his life attached to the computer.

        "I don't know if he does that kind of thing. And anyway wouldn't that information be in a will or something?"

        "Somebody out there has to know, and it wouldn't hurt to ask." I was struggling into a pair of dark flared jeans.

        "Alright, I'll make the call but I can't promise anything. What are you doing?"

        "I'm heading over to Jackson's. He's been really down lately."

        "I'll bet."

        "I'm going to bring him some flour and eggs-oh shit!"

        "What?"I reached for my remote and turned the volume up. She was a little dolled up and looked much more distinguished but the face on my television unmistakable.

        "Allison Fleming is on Channel Five News." There at the anchor desk, Allison sat next to Bo's old co-anchor Sara Santiago.

        "Shit is right." Henry had turned his t.v. over to the news. "That her next to Sara? She's cute! Looks like she's got a major stick up her ass though."

        "Today she declined to tell me she replaced Bo as co-anchor."

        "You thinking she offed him to get his job? That's a stretch. She's just an intern, they probably only asked her cause they were in a tight spot."

         "Maybe." I listened as Sara Santiago introduced Allison as her temporary co-host during this tragic time. Too bad Allison had such a hard time actually looking tragic, girlfriend was practically glowing. "Listen I got to go."

        "Alright call you later, and be careful with my car."

        "Yeah, yeah." I hurriedly clicked off the t.v. then walked out into the night.


        Jackson lived with his mother in an old duplex on the Southside of Caledo in a neighborhood that housed the city's lower income families.

        I pulled my car in front of their duplex, noticing the police cruiser parked across the street. Aunt Jackie lived next to an old man who constantly complained of noise coming from the Reynolds home. The only problem was he'd gone deaf eleven years ago. I suspect he just likes the attention since his children barely visit him anymore.

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