Chapter 15

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        “What the hell are you doing in my house?” Karalyn was starring daggers down at me.

        “Uh-um, well- the door was open so I let myself in-“

        “You’re lying! No one came in the door, you were broke into my house.” She took sure steps toward an antique phone (also horribly pink). “I’m calling the cops.”

        “Calm down, Karalyn.” Earl had gotten up from his place on the couch and thankfully zipped up his pants. “I’m sure she has an explanation.”

        “I don’t care for her explanations, she broke into my home. She can explain to the police.”

       Thinking quickly I blurted out. “I’m sure they’d love to know about you and Earl.” The sureness in her eyes gave way to panic. “I mean, they’d be happy to know you’ve already moved on and found love. Even though Bo hasn’t been in the ground for twelve hours yet.”

        I put on my best stern face and let my words sink in, watching her expression morph from anger, to guilt, then fear. She gave a weighty sigh then put the phone back on the hook.

        “I guess there’s no need to invite them to our little party.” She tried to smooth the front of her now wrinkled blouse.

        “And no need to bill me for that fabulous lamp.” The fuchsia lamp now lay shattered in a million pieces on the floor. I normally would be happy to pay for something I’d broken but I couldn’t afford to buy a five thousand dollar (give or take) broken lamp right now.

        I looked from her to Earl. Both looked pale and nauseated. The three of us stood there in awkward silence for a beat, me trying to find some way to ease on toward the door.

         “All this time I thought you loved Bo, guess I was wrong.” I said as I started walking.

        Her face looked anguished then. “I know this looks bad, but don’t go thinking I’m a bad person. Lord knows Bo had his flings.” She walked next to Earl and together they held hands. “Besides, I’m happier now than I’ve been in years.”

        I watched the blissful couple as they stared into each other’s eyes with adoration and felt a tiny bit guilty. Everyone knows Bo used to treat her like shit. Who was I to judge what this poor woman did to find a little bit of comfort in life.

        “It’s true, Miss Evelyn.” Earl added. “I’ve never loved anyone like I do Kara. She’s the silver lining in this whole messed up situation.”

        “You know how awful Bo was.” Karalyn continued. “I was angry with him, but I didn’t kill him, I swear. He used to berate me for my size all the time, but Earl loves me just the way I am. I was a broken woman until I met this man here.”

        I thought this over for a moment. “All right, I suppose there’s no need for the police to know about this-any of this.”

        “Thank you for understanding.” Karalyn said as she walked me to the front door. “And Evie, take care of yourself.”

        That last part was added with a touch of sorrow and I instantly felt bad for her again. Walking down the front walk I wondered if she’d killed Bo for the money. Better yet, Earl said he didn’t have a reason to want Bo dead, but he might if he had been sleeping with his wife this whole time.

        It was a lot to think about.

        Back in Henry’s car my best friend was freaking out. No really, he was losing his shit.

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