Chapter 8

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        "So then you called a tow truck?" Henry was sitting beside me on the couch in my living room. The room was dark except for the illumination of the television and the small lamp on an end table next to me.

        "Yeah. It was getting dark so I went and waited inside the Gregson's house." I was painting my nails a dark purple color. I blew on my fingers. "I was worried he'd come down stairs and yell at me some more, but he stayed in his room the rest of the day."

         "Serves you right, you shouldn't go snooping through people's things." He grabbed a kernel of popcorn from the bowl in his lap and popped it in his mouth.

        "Well I think he overreacted." I started on my left hand. "And you're my friend, you're supposed to be on my side."

           "I am on your side. I just think you crossed the line. A man has a right to his privacy. Anyway, what did the mechanic say about your car?"

             "He said Douglas is going to need a new engine. Which is going to run me a few thousand." I sighed, there goes the rest of Bo's money. All this trouble and I was barely going to break even.

             "You're such a girl. Take better care of your car and these things won't happen." He lectured. "We should do something. To relax you." I scootched around and put my foot in his lap.

           "You can paint my toes like a good girlfriend." He shook his head. Every so often at our movie marathons I ask him to paint my toes but he says he's not quite ready to go that gay with me. Some day.

"I will never paint your toes, deal with it. I was thinking we go out tonight."

"What about movie night?"

          "It's just some stupid girl movie. Let me guess, they fall in love at the end?" He wasn't much a fan of chick flicks but his turn to pick the movie was next week. I'd probably have to suffer through some endless James Bond sequel or something. "Besides, I've got to repay you for making me forget about my problems with Steph by making you forget about yours." He took the polish out of my hands and set in on the table.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I was thinking we'd hit the club. Use our mad skills to mack on a couple of hoes."

"Don't say 'mack', it's really weird coming from your mouth."

"That's funny coming from someone who makes up stupid sayings all the time."

            As a teenager I'd watched Henry get in fights with other boys and became fascinated with the insults he'd throw their way. It wasn't fair, girls only got to call each other bitch or whore, so one day while in an argument with a boy I'd defiantly told him to "suck on these nuts", hand gestures and all.

        Henry says I can't say that because of my obvious lack of the aforementionedextremities. Since then I've been obsessed with finding girl friendly versions of these.

"I still think "I'd give my left ovary" is genius."

        "We've talked about this Evie, giving your left ovary for something cannot compare to me expressing my desire to give my left nut." He sucked the fun out of everything. "It just doesn't work."

"I think it's funny."

        "Well you have a demented sense of humor so no one cares." I playfully punched him on the shoulder but he just laughed. "And Jesus you hit like a girl."

I stuck my tongue out at him as I went to change. A night out sounded like just what I needed.


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