04 | Ashton

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This whole 'being a good guy' thing is a lot harder than I thought. I've only begun working on points 1 and 2 -- getting better grades and eating more vegetables -- and I'm already struggling.

First of all, I f*cking hate all vegetables that aren't broccoli. Second of all, stats is really, really hard, even when I'm actually trying.

"I'm really glad you came in for help, Ashton," my stats teacher, Mr. Jones, says to me as I quickly pack up all of my stuff. I'm just glad to be done.

"Yeah, I figured I should start caring," I say. As embarrassing as this is feels, since I don't understand jack shit. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and pick my heavy-as-hell stats book off the desk.

"Better late than never," he smiles, picking up his own papers and pulling the two desks we were sitting at back apart from each other. "I'm here every day after school, so don't be afraid to come in again."

I nod, "Will do, thanks. See you tomorrow."

"See ya," he waves.

Once I'm out the door, I let out a sigh. Hopefully, as I continue actually trying, it'll get easier.

I open my stats book to the chapter we were just working on and take a bite of the apple I took from the cafeteria earlier in the day. If vegetables disgust me, I figure fruit has to count for something.

No matter how many times I read the chapter on hypothesis testing, I still don't understand it. Not to mention all of the calculator tricks that go into doing it.

"Trust me, Cal. I'm done bothering Maddie," I hear Luke's annoying voice say as I near the cafeteria. I'm in the middle of reading about errors in hypothesis testing for the fourth time, but I stop in my tracks upon hearing her name and close my book.

He and Calum are sitting in the cafeteria, and Luke has his feet up on the table. I forgot I wasn't the only one who could stay late after school. They must have just finished track practice.

"You are? You said you had another plan, though," Calum says and Luke takes a drink from his water bottle.

I take a couple of steps back just in case.

"It's obvious the two of them are over for good," he says and my heart sinks. "I got what I wanted."

"So you think she'd give me an actual chance, then? I mean, since you're done bothering her?" Calum asks.

Tough luck, I think as I stifle a laugh. We only just broke up and it wasn't even because either of us stopped loving each other. He's gonna have to work really hard to get Maddie to think of anyone but me that way.

"I don't see why not," I can hear the smirk in Luke's voice. It's like he knows I'm listening. But he doesn't, he's just always that pompous.

"She asked me to help her with Chemistry a couple days ago," Calum says, "So, I guess I'll see how that goes."

"Don't sweat it. When I helped her, we pretty much made out the whole time," Luke laughs loudly, "Ashton was even there. She's easier than she seems."

By then, my blood is boiling and I can't stand to hear anymore. I practically stomp out from my hiding spot. As I near them, Luke spots me and takes his feet from the table. Calum turns and his eyes go wide.

"Hey guys," I say with a fake smile, dropping my backpack onto the table, "Mind if I do my homework here for a little bit?"

I unzip it more aggressively than I intend and pull Frankenstein out, plopping down into a seat before they even answer.

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