Chances Ch. 8

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Chapter 8

Nick was a very delightful and fun person. He was sort of like a brother that I never had. We arrived to the party an hour late, fashionably late, and saw piles of cars around the mansion. We strolled inside and awkwardly crashed into people while trying to walk. The place was trashed and packed with people. One hell of a party. A shitty band was playing outside in the back and people were taking shots on each other. Not my kind of party, but I'm with Julian so who cares. Julian's hand was glued to mine as we walked over with Nick to the bar. Nick handed us both a beer and started egging us on. "Chug. Chug. Chug. Chug!" He shouted, we chugged our beers unnattractively and were handed shots. I took two and put up a white flag.

I feel wasted and gross, though I'm not yet. Julian won't stop. I wonder if he always drinks like this? It's a scary thought.. "Hey do you wanna go watch the band perform?" I ask Julian, who's still downing shots. "Er, I'm gonna finish this tequila with Nick. I'll meetcha out there baby!" He slurred. I nod dissapointedly and walk outside. I walk through the large crowd and see a familiar face. I squint my eyes a little.. It's Leila! Thank god I have someone here to talk to. I rush toward her and she gives me a huge smile. "Leila!" I exclaim, hugging her. "Emma! What are you doing here?! I didn't know you knew Melanie!" She shouts over the live band. "Uh I don't. Julian and his friend insisted I go! Hey, Julian's friend Nick is really cute! You should talk to him." I say. "Okay maybe later. I want to catch you up on all the gossip right now!" She shouts.

Leila and I talk outside for probably an hour or two. She fills me in on her parent's divorce and how her brother got a prostitute pregnant in Vegas. She has one fucked up family.

Shit, Julian's probably wasted out of his mind. "Hey Leila, I need to check on Julian. You can come with me and meet Nick if you want?" I say. The live band is gone and there's only about 20 people outside. "Yeah!" She replies, we start to walk inside. I see Julian and he's extremely wasted. I mean worse than the night he threw up wasted. He can't walk or talk. "Julian, this is my friend, Leila." I say. "Ohuhh hi theeere Leyy-Luhh." He slurrs. I cock my head at him in shame and take Leila to Nick. "Hey Nick! This is my friend Leila." I say to him. He turns around and immediately flushes at Leila. At least he's not wasted. "Hi Leila." He says, giving an awkward shy wave. He really likes her! I mean she's gorgeous, her jet black hair and spanish looking skin all shimmering in his brown eyes.

"I'm going to leave you two alone and talk to Jules" I say, they nod at me, not taking their eyes off each other. When I walk over to Julian he's sitting alone and drinking yet another beer. "Babe, I think you should call it a night with the alcohol." I softly say.

"Whatter you talking abouttt? This is like, like my 3rd one moomm." He said, putting emphasis on mom and chuckling to himself. I grab his hand and take him to Nick. "Nick, Julian's a bit sick. Do you mind taking us home?" I ask. "No not at all. Do you need a ride, Leila?" He said.

"Sure, thanks Nick." She smiles.

He nods and leads us to his car. I help Julian in, hoping he keeps his mouth shut and doesn't embarrass himself. Nick and Leila were enfatuated with each other, and when Nick saw a deer he slammed on the brakes. Shit, I felt sick and I didn't even drink much. "You motherfu-" I covered Julian's mouth before he cussed Nick out. "Oooh baby, I like you in control." He said and winked. He was so fucking wasted it was irritating. I rolled my eyes and sat back in the seat.

We're almost home.

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