Chances Ch. 10

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Chapter 10

After work, I decide to go to McDonald's. I'm starved. It seems like I haven't eaten in days.. I have, right? Julian has made me sick, ugh. I miss him so much though.

After I completely massacre some chicken nuggets and fries, I go home and resort to my piano. It rarely gets used, unless I'm bored or sad. This calls for both. I play and sing 'Imagine' by John Lennon, then 'Asleep' by The Smiths. This is truly only making me more sad. I mope over to my room and lay in bed, feeling sick from all the emotions and McDonald's.

I fall asleep fast and wake up just as fast. Time for work, which I'm not mad about. It's something to do. When I arrive at work I immediately see Derek and Henry talking. Darn, he didn't quit. I swiftly walk over to them and Henry greets me all too warmly. "Hello, Emma! Can I see you in my office?" He asks, disregarding Derek. I give him an uncomfortable glare but nod as we walk to the office. My heart is pounding out of my chest and I feel nauseous. "What is it, sir?" I ask, my voice short. "Oh it's nothing important. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for being unprofessional your last visit. You're just such a beautiful young lady, but am I forgiven?" He says, his voice creepy as ever. "Yes-yes sir." I say. "You're working the register today with Derek, cool?" He said. I nod and walk out. Thank god I'm working with Derek. He's pretty nice.

Derek and I talk all day until it's lunch time.

He takes me out to Starbucks when we agree that we aren't hungry. I tell him about Julian and he tells me that he likes Jenny, but she's dating Josh. "Sounds like we're both in a hole." He says, I nod back in agreement. "Well, with Julian I'd visit him. Seems like an awesome guy who has it bad for you. Just have him slow down on the drinking." He said. "That's really true, Derek. Thank you. You're a really nice guy, you know? You deserve someone better than Jenny." I say sweetly. He smiles and thanks me, and we go back to work. After work, Derek and I hug and go our seperate ways. He's right. I need to see Julian. I remember his address from that dreadful night when I walked and I go there with nerves bouncing all around my body. I turn on the radio and listen to some unfamiliar yet soothing song.

I finally reach his house. Oh boy. What am I going to say? I shrug it off and decide I'll wing it. A few knocks on the door and I become irritated. My nerves aren't helping. After almost 5 minutes, the door opens. Julian! He looks.. Different. He has dark circles under his eyes and looks really pale. My poor, poor Julian. "May I come in?" I ask. He opens the door all the way and gestures his hand to the two loveseats facing each other. I sit down in one and he does the same. "You look skinny, Emma. Have you been eating?" He asks. "Er-yes. Yes and no." I say. He gets up and sits down next to me, kissing my hair as I rest my head in his shoulder. "I cried so much." I say, letting out all the emotions into him. "Shh, baby, please don't cry. Emma. Listen to me. What I did on Monday was.. So wrong. It was just wrong and it wasn't me. I didn't realize how much I need you until you left. Just please stay with me." He said. "Yes." I say, wiping my tears and looking at him. "What?" He asks. "Yes, I will move in with you." I say. He held me tight and thanked me a thousand times, kissing my hair. "I haven't drank these past few days. Thought I'd do that for you." He said. "I was so worried about you, Julian." I say. We hold each other tight until we go upstairs and get to bed.

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