Julian's Chances

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Julian's POV

"What are you getting Fab for his birthday?" Nick asked. I looked back at him in confusion until I realized my answer.

"Shit." I said, rubbing my forehead and putting my shoes on.

"You forgot didn't you." He stated, somewhat laughing. I nod back at him as I finish tying my shoes.

"It's tomorrow? Are we doing anything?"

"Nope. He's leaving to visit his family in Brazil this weekend."

"Alright. Thanks for reminding me. I'll see you later, man." I say, grabbing my car keys from his coffee table and walking out.

I drive around for a while, not knowing where to look for a gift. Then I see a bookstore that I've never been to, I think it's new. After parking my car in the rather empty parking lot, I walk inside and look around. No one's really here, so I leisurely walk around and look for the music section. I see a children's section, historical, fiction, non-fiction, and fantasy. It isn't until I see a beautiful girl when I find the music. I walk closer toward her, noticing that she's working. I hesitate to ask her for help, but she turns around. She looks at my shoes, her brown eyes traveling up until they meet mine. She stands up nervously and speaks.

"H-hi, can I help you, sir?" She asks me. Her face only goes up to my torso, since I'm so tall. I scratch the back of my head and mess with my hair before answering her.

"Yeah I'm just looking for a Pearl Jam book if you've got one." I reply casually. I try not to be nervous and stay calm. It's weird that this girl makes me nervous. Not much makes me nervous.

"Alright. What kind were you looking for? We have a couple about Eddie Vedder, some just showing their albums and other stuff." She says, very casually.

"It's actually for a friend so I'm not sure. Whaddoyou think?" She looks back at the shelf, but I can't take my eyes away from her. She's so..interesting. She pulls out a magazine and looks up at me, then back to the magazine.

"This one looks pretty good. It's got alot of stuff about the band, their latest albums and whatnot." She says, handing me the magazine.

"Sure, thanks." I say and smile. She smiles back at me and bites her lip. Her smile is so gorgeous.

"Do you need help with anything else? I have time." I scratch my forehead and clear my hair out of my face. Say yes, Julian.

"Uh, no I think this is it for today." I say, slightly frowning. Idiot! This would've been the perfect chance, but no. She points to the cash register in the front. "Derek will help you check-out over there." She says, smiling. "Thanks for helping me." I say smiling back like an awkward freak.

After I check out the magazine, I go to my car, my mind replaying the scene that just happened. I think of everything I should've said. I'm such an idiot. Does Fab even like Pearl Jam? Ugh. I sit in my car and look through the magazine. It's pretty cool, I think he'll like it. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her. The gorgeous girl. She's walking out of the store and to her car I'm assuming. She's wearing jean shorts and converse. Oh her legs..

I think she's wearing a Nirvana shirt, but it's hard to tell. Her hair is long and brown, it comes down to her breasts in waves. I wipe the drool from my mouth and start my car, putting the magazine down. Driving around the parking lot to the exit, I notice that she's in her car, cussing, because the car won't start. I drive up to her car and roll my windows down.

"Car troubles?" I ask.

"Uh, it's nothing I can't get fixed." She says.

"Come on, I'll take you to lunch."

She hesitates, but once I pat the seat she agrees. When she gets into my car, something strange comes over me. Maybe it's her positive energy. Maybe it's the way she smells. She smells like sweet clementines, in a really good way.

Later That Day

The TV bores me, as always. Maybe I'm just bored with life. It's almost 30 minutes until I get to see Emma again. It's amazing how just a little time with someone can be so great. I didn't really think about it when I was with her, but she was the first girl I've hung out with where everything felt natural. Usually, with girls everything feels forced and awkward. I have to see her again. I can't let this one go. I wonder how she feels about me. Maybe she thinks I'm a druggie. I do kind of look high sometimes. Or...maybe she thinks I'm a really cool guy. I hope it's the second one.

I fidget nervously and turn the TV off, grabbing my keys and wallet before walking outside to my car.

Once I find my way back to the bookstore, Emma wastes no time leaving as I see her quickly walk out and smile at me. This is going to be the one. There's no other I'd want.

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