Chances Ch. 20

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The alarm suddenly turns off, only it's not me who pressed the button.
"Goodmorning." I hear. My eyes flutter open to a gorgeous sight. Julian.
"Goodmorning." I smile, kissing his forehead.
"You're not mad anymore?" He asks.
I sigh. "You're not drunk anymore?"
"Funny. Now get ready for work." He orders.
"Someone's bossy." I joke, getting out of bed and going into the bathroom. "Wait, let me take a shower with you." Julian says, following me into the bathroom and taking off his clothes. He reaches toward me and takes off my shirt, before I take off my shorts. He watches me, which makes me feel awkward, then turns around to turn on the shower while I quickly drop my panties and step out of them.
After he steps into the shower, I follow him and start shampooing my hair. After I rinse that out, I put in conditioner. Julian takes a wash rag and puts soap on it, then trails it around my body and kisses me. The kiss deepens while he washes my backside. He drops the rag and our heated kiss is broken. My head drops in his chest as I laugh. He turns the water off and reaches for a towel, then wraps it around us while he holds me.
"I wish we could do this all day." He says.
"I know."
I get out of his hold and leave the shower, finding his robe and hairdryer, then blowdrying my hair.
Once that's done and my hair is brushed, I brush my teeth before I put on some makeup and put on my clothes.
"You look gorgeous." Julian says, laying in bed and gazing at me up and down.
"Love you." I say, walking over to him and kissing his forehead.
"You missed." He says.
He then kisses my lips, and I laugh at him as I breakaway.
"See you tonight."


"Emma! It's so great to see you back." Derek says just as I walk through the doors of the bookstore. "This is our new boss, Mr. Andrews." He says, introducing me to a handsome, dark man. Probably in his late twenties or early thirties. "Good to meet you, sir." I say nervously as we shake hands. "And you too, Emma." He says, giving me a beautiful smile. I'm a bit taken aback by his beauty, and our staring is interrupted by Derek coughing. "We're just going to start where we left off, okay?" He says, leading me to our cash registers as Mr. Andrews goes into his office. Josh and Jenny soon walk in, holding hands, and start working in the cafe.
"So Emma, how has Julian been?" He asks while we're setting up our stations.
"Really good." I smile.
"I'm happy for you." He smiles back.

~After Work~

"Alright, everyone. What do you say we go to dinner together?" Mr. Andrews says as we're closing up. Derek agrees, along with Jenny and Josh, so I figure I can go too.
We end up at a Chinese restaurant where we start really getting to know each other.
"So, Emma. How long have you been in New York?" Mr. Andrews asks.
"Just a little over a year." I state.
"How about you?"
"About 6 months. Quite honestly, I came to start fresh. My family is Cuban, so I've lived in Florida most of my life." He says, not taking his eyes off of me once. "Very cool." I say.
"Jenny and I need to run some errands, we'll see you guys tomorrow. Thanks for dinner, Mr. Andrews!" Josh says.
"Please, call me Daniel." He says.
Once Derek, Daniel, and I are alone, I make an excuse to leave. I want to get home to Jules.
"Well, it's been really great. I'll pay for you-"
"No, it's on me." Daniel interrupts.
"Let me at least pay for myself." I say, handing him money. He gently pushes my hand away and shakes his head.
"We'll see you tomorrow. Have a safe trip home, Emma." He says, smiling seductively at me. Nope, not gonna work. I love Julian. That's it.

I arrive home and realize I've forgotten my key, so I knock at the door, shivering from the soft snow. It takes a minute, but Julian finally answers the door. "Hey, baby." He says, kissing me and inviting me inside. The living room is dimly lit, but I see a feminine figure on the couch stand up. I turn around to Julian for him to introduce me. "Emma, this is our manager. She stopped by so we could talk about the band." He says, as she walks toward me and shakes my hand. "I've heard so much about you. I'm Juliet." She says awkwardly. She seems very self-conscious, and her face is covered slightly by hair, which isn't very pretty. I politely smile at her and put my purse on the table.
"So what's up?" I ask.
"Well, we've already written some stuff. We're gonna start recording really soon." Julian says.
"That's so great." I say, sitting down on the couch next to Julian. He's sipping on a beer along with Juliet, and there's an awkward silence.
"I better get going. I'll see you later, Jules." Juliet says.
That's what I call him.
My jealousy is starting to light up, but is interrupted when she says goodbye to me.
After she leaves, Julian comes back to the couch and puts his beer down. "She came unexpected. Sorry." He says.
"It's fine. I need to sleep, goodnight." I say, leaning over and kissing him before going to his room. After I change out of my clothes, I put on a T-Shirt and hop into bed. Julian comes in a little while later and lays with me, playing with my hair as he falls asleep.
"Julian." I say.
"What were you doing all weekend?"
He takes a minute to answer me.
"We stayed at Albert's house writing some songs. Don't worry about it." He says.

Guys, the year during this is now 2000. It used to be 1997, but I decided that I want Julian to be in the band so, sorry for the confusion! Please give me some feedback/votes!

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