Chapter 1.

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Katherine Grayson.

"Dylan, we can't keep doing this." I push him away.

"We're not doing anything wrong." He says cupping my cheeks in his large and warm hands.

"Yes we are." I say taking a step back.

"Look-" The door being opened cuts him off.

"Alright Miss Grayson, I'll take another look at your assignment." He says with a smile.

I don't say anything. I just nod and leave the classroom, and continue walking down the hall, going to my next class.

I have been dating Dylan Matthews, my History teacher for two months now. I was in a relationship back then, but after things got serious between Dylan and I, I broke it off with my boyfriend.

It was last month, he kept and still keeps begging me that he'll change, little does he know that he's not the problem. I never told him though, why I broke it off I mean. He kept texting and calling for two straight weeks, day and night, begging to get back together. But I always told him the same thing, that I need some time alone and I don't want to be in a relationship.

What a liar I am.

The phone calls and the texts have stopped now.

To be honest, I feel bad lying to him. He was the greatest boyfriend ever and he's a really sweet, kind and caring guy. And he loved me. I loved him too at first, but when I met Dylan I felt something I never felt before. I know it's wrong to feel this way about my teacher, but sometimes you can't help what you feel. Or who you feel it for.

It all started when he was assigned to direct our school play at the end of last year and I was the lead in it.

We were working late one night in the school after rehearsals, it was just the two of us, and we got to talking and we hit it off really well. One thing led to another and we kissed.

To be fair, he freaked out and I freaked out equally as well. He stayed away from me after that which and kept apologising non stop. But after a while we just couldn't stay away from each other no matter what we did.

For us, in that auditorium, we weren't teacher wnd student. We were Katherine and Dylan. Two young people who had a mutual connection and attraction and acted on it.

I'm eighteen, and he's twenty five, the age difference isn't that big a deal, to me at least, but he's still my teacher.

I mean what did you expect when you hired a model look alike twenty five year old to teach a bunch of teenagers?

After we both agreed to give it a shot we secretly started seeing each other over the summer and things got serious.

I don't regret it, the only thing I do regret is not ending things with my boyfriend sooner.

"Katherine, hello?!" I look up to see Hayden waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh, what?" I say blinking away the memories.

"I said, hey?"

"Hey." I say with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" She asks stopping at her locker. "Is it Mr. Handsome again?" She adds in a whispering.

"Yeah." I nod.

Hayden is the only one who knows about me and Dylan. She has been one of my best friends since kindergarten. The only reason I told her was because she suspected something and I didn't want to deny it anymore, because I need someone to talk to and she never judges me. She's the one who told me to break up with my boyfriend if I was going to keep seeing Dylan. And she never once told anyone about us, not even the other girls.

I tried telling my other best friends, but every time I started talking about boys Jane would always shut me up.

Jane is also one of my best friends since kindergarten. And she has been in love with my brother for two years, but she never lets me talk to him and tell him about it, and she doesn't have the courage to tell him herself either. She always says that she wants him to notice her on his own.

Right. Like that will ever happen. I mean Jane is gorgeous and my brother, and boys in general, are idiots. And feeling clueless when it comes to girls.

If she wants him she has to make the first move.

"What happened?" Hayden askz crossing her arms and leaning against her locker.

"He doesn't seem to understand that what we're doing is wrong, he always tries to kiss me in class and, even if we're alone, you never know, someone could walk in any minute. Like right now, Mrs. Hannigan walked in when we were having a conversation, if she had walked in a second earlier, she would have seen one of her favorite students having a make out session with the history teacher." I whisper to her all my frustration.

"Hmm. Listen Kath, just tell him-"

"Tell him what?" She's cut off by Jane. Did my thoughts just manifest her? "Are we talking about Mason again?" She asks as if she's annoyed.

Right, I forgot, Mason is the ex-boyfriend.

"Yeah." I lie, looking at Hayden and giving her the just go with it look.

Hayden subtly nods at me and smiles. "Yes, what are you gonna do the guy won't leave her alone." She shrugs.

"Well that's because you didn't give the guy a reason to why you suddenly wanted to break up with him, and why you actually did." Jane says taking some books out of her locker." Why did you break up with him anyways?" She asks curiously.

Since none other than Hayden know about Dylan, the others are all pretty insistent to know the reason too.

I think everyone thought him and I were in it for the long haul.

"I told you Jane." I sigh. "I don't want to be in a relationship right now. And I just don't feel the same about him anymore."

"Whatever you say."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"Nothing. It's just that sometimes I feel like you don't tell me stuff, or you don't want to. I don't know. I just want you to know that I'm always here for you and you can tell me anything." She says and hell that makes me feel guilty.

I know I can tell her anything, but this I can't. I mean I love her to death, I love all of my friends to death, but she doesn't make it easy to tell her anything. And I know she'll judge me.

"I know Jane." I tell her with a smile and start thinking of ways to tell all my friends because I can't keep this a secret forever.

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