Chapter 13.

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"What the hell?" Alain exclaims in disbelief as he keeps tugging on the doors that are locked with thick chains.

"Maybe the janitor is still here." Skylar says looking around the empty hallways.

"Hello! Hello?" Jane starts yelling and her and voice echoes.

"There's no one here Jane." Hayden rolls her eyes at her unnecessary freak out.

"Well I'm sorry I'm a little freaked out about us being locked in the school."

"Do you hear yourself? We're in school what could possibly go wrong?" Hayden laughs.

"Guys this is no time to fight." Brian reprimands the girls.

"Let's all just calm down, I'll call the police." Skylar says preparing to dial on her phone.

"What are you gonna say? We're locked in the school? They're gonna think it's some high school prank." Mason says which makes a good point.

"I'll call the janitor Jerry I have his number, he probably forgot there was detention today." Dylan says putting the phone tak his ear.

We all wait and stare at him for a few seconds.

"It's not ringing, there's no service." He furrows his eyebrows at the screen.

"What?" I take out my phone and check it myself, so does everyone else.

True to Dylan's word there is no service which is weird. There has never been a day where we've had this problem here before.

"What the fuck?" Brinn scoffs.

"Seriously this is weird." Jane looks panicked again.

"Maybe it's because of the storm." Ashley says as if just remembering there was going to a storm today.

We all sigh in relief a little bit. This is a little less weird.

"She's right, it probably is that."

"It had to be today to shut down the signal." Matt shakes his head angrily.

"So what do we do?" My sister asks.

"Mr.Matthews? What do you suggest we do?" I turn my attention to Dylan.

He stares at me for a moment then finally replies. "I think we should go back to the classroom and wait until the weather calms down so we could call someone." He says. "In the meantime I'll try to get in touch with Jerry."

We all nod and do what he says, following him to the closest classroom.

I feel weird calling him Mr.Matthews, in class I usually avoid talking to him altogether because I'm afraid I might call him Dylan or say the wrong thing. But nobody had a clue of what to do, so I had to be the one to ask him.

"I'm hungry." Brian sighs as we all setyle back in the classroom waiting until the service comes back so we can call someone.

"You just ate two packs of chips." Skylar giggles.

"Yeah but I'm a guy two packs of chips won't satisfy my hunger."

"I'm hungry too." Ashley says.

"We all are." Hayden blows a raspberry then groans in frustration.

We basically spend hours just sitting and talking about whatever.

And all I can think about is how much I just want to be alone with Dylan.

I keep looking at him too, I can't stop even if I wanted to. He's sitting at his desk grading papers to avoid our conversation. He hasn't said a word the entire time, he told us he needed to finish correcting them. I know it's really because he doesn't want to start a conversation with us to avoid saying something wrong.

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