Chapter 14.

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The bottle spins and spins and finally lands with one side pointing at Skylar and the other end at Dylan.

"Skylar ask away." Jane says way too excitedly.

Dylan is uncomfortable I can see it clearly, I'm surprised nobody else does.

"I don't think I should play." He shakes his head.

"Come on Mr.Matthews, have a little fun we have to pass the time somehow." Brian works his charm.

"Ask away." He sighs in defeat realizing he doesn't have a choice but to play.

"Truth or dare?" Skylar asks and he picks truth.

My heart is pounding so loud in my chest afraid of what he might get asked.

"If you could kiss one girl in this room who would it be?" Skylar asks not even wasting any time on coming up with a question.


My eyes widen and my heart starts to race even faster. Is she serious? Asking a question like that to him? For all she knows he's just our teacher nothing more.

Hayden is staring at me from the corner of her eye.

I hold my breath, afraid of what Dylan's answer is going to be. If he says my name it would be so obvious, and having my jealous ex-boyfriend here isn't gonna make it any better. If he doesn't answer at all then they won't stop pestering him until he does.

He chuckles. "You seriously aren't expecting me to answer, are you?" When nobody answers he sighs yet again. "You guys are all my students and I'm your teacher, I can't answer that."

"Hypothetically." Skylar adds. "Come on, who would you pick?"

He has a look on his face that I can't quite read. I wish I could go into his mind and see what he's thinking right now. Surely he won't give away my name would he? Mason may not know why I broke things off but he suspects there's someone else involved he has to, he's smart. And if puts two and two together and figures it out, Dylan and I are both screwed.

"Uh." He casually looks at all of us one by one, trying to be as careless as he can about the answer he's about to give. Finally his eyes lan on someone.

"Hayden." He says.

I release the breath I've been holding, so glad he said her name.

He couldn't say my name it would be obvious. He couldn't say Skylar, she's with Brian. Brinn is, or was with Matt. If he said Ashley, she would get the wrong idea. So would Jane. So he said Hayden knowing that she wouldn't get the wrong idea. Because he knows that Hayden knows about us. And so does Hayden.

Crisis averted.

Hayden smiles in knowing and raises the other half full bottle up in the air. "I'm flattered Mr.Matthews." And drinks what was left in the bottle.

Jane spins the bottle again and this time it lands on Brian and Dylan. Everyone laughs at Dylan's unamused face as it lands on him again.

"Truth or dare?" Brian asks.

"Truth again." Dylan answers.

"What did you want to be when you were a kid? Or was being a teacher it?"

Thank you Brian for asking a normal question.

"No actually I wanted to be a writer."

"Really?" Alain asks.

"Yep. I wanted to write novels, plays, movies, you name it. I actually acted too in high school and college."

"Were you any good?" Mason asks.

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