Chapter 17.

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Skylar unties us and seats us on the floor in one corner of the room. Our wrists and ankles are all red and a little bloody from all the pressure of where the ropes are digging into our skin. The classroom door is closed and locked, and Skylar has made sure that if anyone who tries to escape we would all die.

She made a trap, if the doorknob turns even the slightest, we all die.

The moment she unties me Dylan immediately runs towards where I am and wraps me in a tight hug. He asks me if I'm okay and I nod absentmindedly. Because, what else am I supposed to say? Deep down he knows I'm actually not but in a situation like this there is no right thing to say anyways.

Brinn joins us too when she's free as well.

"Are you hurt? Do you feel okay?" I cup her cheeks and start inspecting her face as we part from our hug.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay." She nods and hugs me again.

"A little help here." Says a tired voice.

Alain is still on the chair. He's untied, but he can't move because of his leg injury.

"Sorry." I whisper as we both kneel next to him.

"There's so much blood, what are we gonna do?" Brinn starts panicking.

"You need to put some pressure on that." Dylan nods at my brother's leg, taking off and ripping a part of his shirt and wraps it around Alain's wound tightly.

Alain winces, growling as he grits his teeth from the pain. "That hurts."

"It's supposed to, to stop the bleeding."

"Brian." Brinn walks over to him. "Oh my God, you're bleeding too." Tears come down her cheeks.

Brian cups her cheeks and kisses her wounded lips slowly.

"I'm okay, it's not a deep cut. I'm not losing any blood." She nods, although I doubt she believes a word coming out of his mouth.

"Brian you need some pressure on that too. If it gets infected, it'll get worst." Dylan says.

"There you go man." Mason does with his shirt as Dylan did and wraps it across Brian's chest.

Hayden and Jane come over and hugs me as well.

"Where's Ashley?" I ask and suddenly we hear a noise and turn around to see Ashley vomiting on the floor in the other corner of the room.

"Oh my God." Jane gasps as she and Hayden rin towards her.

Alain tries to stand up but I stop him. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Ashley needs me right now." He says with all seriousness.

"You're not going anywhere except on the floor or else Skylar will chop off that leg when she sees you still on the chair." Brian says slinging one of Alain's arm around his shoulder. Mason puts the other around his shoulder and they settle him down on the floor.

Skylar left the room once she untied us to "get some supplies." As per her words.

Even though she hadn't set the trap yet, and we could have escaped, none of us wanted to take that risk. We know that Skylar is not to be messed with. Apparently.

"Ashley, are you okay?" I ask as she stands up straight after she's  done throwing up.

"I'm never gonna be okay." She shakes her head.

"We've got some water, do you want some?" Jane offers hesitantly.

She shakes her head no, not looking at her.

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