Chapter 19.

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"What? Are you fucking insane?" Mason is on her in a flash grabbing her by the throat.

I cannot believe what she's saying right now. Fear grips me and I'm paralyzed in my spot.

"You are way out of line."

"You're fucking disgusting!"

I don't know who says what.

I watch as she brings the gun and presses the head of it under his chin.

"Am I?" She raises her eyebrow. "Come on Mason, she cheated on you. She left you for her teacher, she hurt you, don't you want to hurt her back?" She whispers the last part.

The longer Mason stays silent the more I terrified I become.

"What did we ever do to you?" Jane yells.

"What did you do?" She exclaims angrily as if it's the stupidest question ever. "I was left out of everything, you never told me about anything, I was always ignored. No matter how hard I tried I was always the fucking outcast. I have always been the expandable one of the group."

"Are you being serious right now?" Hayden yells.

"I had to find out about everything myself." She says her eyes blown wide from anger.

"We never did anything like this to you ever." I finally find my voice.

"I guess I take my revenge in different ways." She shrugs.

I spare a glance at Mason, he's eyeing Dylan as if trying to tell him something. Dylan shifts in his seat and very subtly nods his head as if agreeing to something.

"Fine, I'll do it." Mason says his eyes glued to mine as he lets go of her.

An unknown feeling seeps into me. My heart drops into my stomach.

The look on his face is one I haven't seen before. Could it be that he's a monster? I refuse to believe the man I once loved is capable of such atrocious things. A single tear rolls down my cheek as he comes closer.

Then, he whispers something that confuses me even more. "Hit me."

"What?" I whisper back.

"Hit me. Come on."

"Are you gonna do it today or tomorrow Williams?"

"Hit me. Now!" He gritts out.

Without any hesitation I hit him. My elbow makes contact with his face. He yells and groans, falling on his back on the floor.

"What the hell?" Skylar yells.

I stare at him confused, I didn't hit him that hard to make him fly back on the floor like that. I crawl back until my back hits the wall. I grab my pants that are discarded next to me and put them on. My hands shaking the entire time.

Everyone is watching what's happening with wide eyes. Too shocked to do anything.

Mason is still on the floor covering his face with his hands like he's in real pain.

Skylar drops to her haunches next to him and nudges him.

"Hey! Get up."

"Or what?"

"Or-" Skylar starts but is cut off.

"Or, you can just shut the fuck up." Dylan says as he stands behind her holding her own knife against her throat.

"Really? That's the best you can do?" She has the audacity to laugh.

"No. I can also do this." He presses the knife harder to the point it cuts the skin of her throat slightly.

Mason puts his clothes back on and takes Skylar's gun from wher ash out it back in the waistband of her pants.

"Remove the trap." He says pointing the gun at her while Dylan's hold on the knife against her throat hasn't moved.

"Or what?" She spits.

"I think we established what the or is gonna be." Dylan answers before Mason does.

"Fine. Let me go so I can do it."

"Do you really think we're that stupid?"

He walks her over to the trap not letting go of her.

She doesn't even think twice, she just dismantles the trap. Just like that.

"You know if you keep hugging me, Katherine's gonna get jealous." She laughs looking at Dylan from over her shoulder.

"I'll take my chances." He presses the knife on her already open wound making her groan in pain.

Once the trap is dismantled, everyone stands up. The girls and Matt help the others get to their feet seeing as they can't move too much on their own due to their injuries.

"Now what?" Skylar asks.

"I'm gonna kill you." Mason says his fi get hovering over the trigger.

"Whoa, buddy take it easy." Alain hops over with Matt's help.

"Mason, you don't have to kill anyone. Let's just leave." Matt speaks.

"If we just leave then she'll get away with what she did." I say. "She told him to..." I shake my head. "Do you know how that makes me feel? And by one of my best friends, my ex-boyfriend. Do you have any idea how I'm feeling right now?"

"Kath I know you're hurting but killing her won't make you feel any better." Hayden tries to reason.

"It sure will make me feel better." Brinn says with a shaky voice.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

"Calm down! This is what she wants." Jane gestures towards a smiling Skylar.

She has that twisted smirk still plastered on her fucking face.

"If you don't kill her Mason. I will." I say determined to end that bitch's life.

But I know Mason can't do it. He's a good person, sensitive, I know that if he kills her, he won't get over it. It will haunt him forever. He won't be able to handle killing a person.

None of us will.

But I'm willing to take that risk.

Just when I decide to take the gun from him and shoot her myself, Brian beats me to it.

Without wasting any time, he immediately shoots her.

A few scream.

I close my eyes the second I hear the gunshot.

The sound of the bullet makes me go deaf for a moment.
I'm afraid to open my eyes, but when I slowly do, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Skylar is not dead. Brian bas shot her on the arm.

"You son of a bitch. You actually shot me." She says the anger and shock clear on her face.

"Yeah, and I'd do it again."

"I don't think so." She says smugly and Brian sshoos her again on the foot this time making her scream in pain.

Dylan is already shot in his foot and he's barely able to stand so he just lets Skylar fall to the floor.

I run and hug him immediately.

Brian throwz the now empty gun on the floor while Brinn runs up to him throwing herself in his arms.

Matt helps Alain walk, and Hayden helps Ashley.

We reach the door of the classroom when Dylan stops and looks at Skylar.

"Hang in there, the police will be here any minute. They'll take good care of you in prison."

That's all he says before we all finally walk out of there.

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