Chapter 21.

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Brian's POV.

We start making our way to the classroom we last left Skylar at. Mason and Matt walking on each side of me.

I cannot begin to explain how I'm feeling. This is the girl that I couldn't break up with because I didn't want to hurt her, but now I wish I had just gone and ended things with her.

I spent the last 2 years of my life with her. I loved her with all my heart and she does this? I don't even know who she is anymore. I start wondering if she ever loved me back or if she even is the same person that I dated.

Is there something I could've done to prevent this? A sign I could be known?

"Dude, I know this is a stupid question but are you okay?" Mason asks.

"I'm in no way okay man."

"You cannot be feeling worst than me, I almost ra-" He shakes his head. "M-My ex-girlfriend."

We stop walking and silence settles over us as we think back to that moment.

Then Matt chuckles.

"What's so funny?" Mason seethes.

"You finally said ex-girlfriend, it's ironic that it took a situation like this to help you move on."

He's right, it is ironic.

Mason chuckles as well pushing him playfully.

We finally reach the classroom and enter immediately and true enough Skylar isn't there.

"Son of a bitch!" I kick the nearest chair in anger.

"The bitch actually escaped." Mason says in disbelief.

"How could she possibly escape without us seeing her?" Matt runs his fingers through his hair and grips tightly threatening to rip the off its roots.

"Let's just go back to the others."

"Or, we can find her and end this right here right now." Mason counters.

"I'm listening." I cross my arms in interest.

"She wants to play? We'll play. Our way, it's time for us to play some truth or dare with her."


Katherine's POV.

"Where are they?" Brinn keeps asking jiggling her knees nervously.

"Brinn calm down they'll be fine." I try to calm her.

"Alright, you're next sweety." Nurse Nancy says to Ashley after treating Alain and Dylan as best as she can with what she has.

She did her best but she's not a surgeon. They need a proper hospital but Nancy helped them enough to survive for at least another day. She has a little experience with injuries like these. Skylar knew what she was doing.

"What is that?" Ashley asks as Nancy puts some of the medicine on a cloth.

"Don't worry it doesn't hurt, but it'll sting a little."

"No it's not that, it's just, I'm pregnant. I don't know will it do damage?"

If nurse Nancy is shocked she doesn't show it. But clearly she is becsuse it takes her a moment to reapond.

She just shakes her head and gives her a smile. "No, it won't do anything, it's okay."

Ashley nods and lets the nurse treat her.

I go over and sit next to Dylan.

"Do you really have service? Did you really call the police? You said you did right before walking out of that classroom." I ask with hope that he'll say yes.

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