Chapter 5.

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Alain Grayson.

"No Matt, I'm not cheating on you, just let it go!" Brinn is yelling at Matt.

"Then why do you want to break up?" Matt yells back.

"Not now Matt." She says walking away but he grabs her arm and pulls her back to him.

"I swear Brinn, if you're cheating on me, I'll-" Matt is saying when I cut him off.

"You'll what?" I walk towards them.

"Stay out of this Alain, this has nothing to do with you." He sneers at me.

"Well see, you're yelling at my little sister right here so it has everything to do with me."

"Stay out of it Grayson."

"Let her go." I say as I see that he's still holding on to Brinn.

"Or what?" He challenges.

"Really Robinson?" I stare into his eyes as calmly as I can. And all I see there is anger.

He starts hurting her ar mmore to the point where she starts wincing and yells in pain.

"Matt! Stop!"

I don't say anything I just punc him in the face and he falls to the ground.

"Is that all you got?" He says standing up. Blood is oozing out of his nose, and I think I broke it.


I don't give a shit, I'll even kill him if I have to, no one treats my little sister like that and gets away with it.

"You want more?" I get ready to throw another punch, but he beats me to it. His punch makes me take a few steps back. But it's not enough to knock me down.

I touch my lips with the tip of my finger and realize that there's blood coming out of it.

"You hit like a girl." I laugh.

"Oh yeah?"

Before he can hit me again, I punch him again and tackle him to the ground and start beating him non-stop.

"Stop! Alain, you're killing him!" Brinn is yelling at me but I ignore her.

"Hey! Break it off you two." I hear someone yell from the end of the hall.

I get off Matt and see that it's Matthews, walking towards us.

"What's going on here?" He asks staring between the three of us.


"He just started hitting me." Matt says playing the victim card as he starts pulling himself up.

"You were hurting my sister, asshole." I say angrily.

"Because she's cheating on me dickhead." He counters back.

"Hey that's enough." Matthews comes between us before we start punching each other again. "Both of you outside, now."

Matt follows him but I stand back and gently grab Brinn's other arms.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She says starting to walk away.

"Hey, is he right? Are you cheating on him?" I ask wanting to know myself.

"No, and it's none of your business Alain."

"Grayson, outside now!" Matthews comes back in and yells for me.

"I hope so." I tell her before stepping outside.

"Why did you hit him?" Matthews asks me as soon as I do.

"He was yelling and hurting my sister, and he wouldn't let go." I say staring daggers at Matt.

"Why were you hurting Brinn?" He asks Matt.

"I didn't mean to, I was angry. She's cheating on me." He says with more hurt rsther than anger now.

"She's not cheating on you."

"How do you know?" He tilts his head.

"Because when my sister tells me something I believe her, Brinn doesn't lie."

"Oh yeah? Are you sure about that?" He chuckles.

"If she says she's not cheating then she's not cheating." I take a step forward.

"Alright that's enough you two." Matthews stops me with a hand on my chest. "I don't want to make a big deal out of this, and I don't want this to go to Higgins. But you both have earned detention for today."

We both sigh in anger.

"And I better not see you two fighting again, because next time I won't let you off the hook."

We both nod and go back inside and head to our own classes.

I better not see him lay a finger on my sister again, because next time I won't let him off the hook.

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