Chapter 23.

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Grayson's Residence.

Nothing better than staying in on a saturday morning and relaxing with a cup of tea and a good book. I'm so glad I don't have to work today, the weather is perfect for staying in. My husband is working in his office, my daughters are at a sleepover and my son is at a camping trip with his friends. That's odd though, the weather is not appropriate for a camping trip I hope they're okay out there. And it's also weird that Brinn went along with Katherine to Skylar's house. She never goes to their sleepovers.

I grab my phone from my nightstand and decide to check in on them and call Katherine. Just to see if everything is okay. I call and call but it says that her phone is off. Maybe they're still asleep seeing as it's still early, it's only 6:34 am after all. Although, why would she turn it off?

"Beth, the laundry's done." My husband yells from downstairs.

I sigh and leave out of the comfort of my bed and descend the stairs to get the laundry.

"Did you call Katherine?" He asks coming out of his office.

"I did. Her phone is off they must be still sleeping."

"Call Brinn."

"Brinn is a light sleeper Harry, she'll wake up if I call her and that'll get her cranky. Why are you so adamant to call them let them have their fun."

"I don't know I have a feeling like something's wrong. Father's intiuition I guess." He shrugs fixing the glasses on his nose.

"It's called a mother's intuition." I laugh.

"So a father can't have one?"

"Sure you can darling." I pat his shoulder. "Nothing is wrong, the worst that can happen is falling off the bed and even that won't happen because it's a sleepover and they're already sleeping on the floor." He laughs.

I take the laundry and put ours in our room and the kid's in theirs. I'm putting Katherine's clothes in her closet when I notice her pink puffy blanket is on her bed. She never goes to a sleepover without that thing. She can't fall asleep without it. She's had it since she was a baby.

I take it with me, leaving the laundry basket there and rush downstairs.

"Harry, Katherine's pink puffy blanket is here."


"So? She never leaves the house without it when she's going to a sleepover, she can't sleep without it."

"So I was right. You think something's wrong."

"I'm calling Skylar's mom."

"Beth, it's 6:40 in the morning."

"She'll be awake." I put the phone to my ear.


"Hi Jenny, it's Beth. Katherine's mom."

"Oh hi Beth, is everything okay?"

"Oh yes, I just wanted to check in on the girls, Kathy's blanket is here but they must be still asleep I won't bother them, can you just tell her to call me when they wake up?"

"I'm sorry?" Jenny sounds confused.

"Well the girls are at your house, aren't they?"

"No they're not."

"Yes, Katherine-" I go on then pause. She never told me, she just left a note on the fridge, she usually calls and tells me herself. I found it odd but assumed she must have been in a hurry.


"What do you mean they're not at your place?" My hands tremble.

"Skylar told me she's sleeping over at your place."

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