Chapter 22.

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After finding the guys it doesn't take much convincing for us to agree with them. All of us want revenge on that little psycho no doubt but I wonder if once we get our hands on her if we will be able to inflict the same kind of pain on her that she did on us. We're not like her.

Before embarking on our new quest we decide to go back to the nurse's office to let the others know so they won't get worried.

"Are you crazy? No! Let's just find a way to get out of here instead." Ashley apparently is not on board.

I don't blame her, she has a baby growing inside her and I know for a fact she's worried about the little him or her and not for herself.

"Okay, we didn't come here to ask for permission. We just wanted to let you know so you won't get worried."

Anger crackles between her and Brinn as she insists on doing as she wants by finding Skylar while Ashley keeps disagreeing.

"What are you gonna do when you find her?" Alain who's been quiet all this time, no doubt contemplating, asks.

"We haven't thought of that yet, what's important is to find her first." Brian shrugs.

"I don't think it's a smart thing to do." Nurse Nancy weighs in.

The voices all mingle as everyone in the room start expressing g their concerns, agreeing and disagreeing on what to do.

"Okay, we are doing this." I yell making them all fall into complete silence. "Are we just supposed to sit here and wait for her to come and kill us one by one?"

"Listen, no matter what happens we can at least say we tried." Dylan tries to persuade the others one last time.

"Fine." Alain relents. " careful. Who knows what else she has up her sleeve."

He nods. "We need to split."

Hayden laughs like he said something hilarious. "No we don't. I think everyone knows how that always ends."

"Well we can't keep walking around in a group like this. This isn't a museum tour." Mason argues.

Hayden crosses her arms in annoyance shaking her head.

"There's a phone in the principal's office, we'll go there first after splitting up and I'll try to call the police. Hopefully they'll believe me." Dylan says with so much hope in his voice.

After finally splitting into two teams, Dylan, Matt, Hayden, and myself head to the principal's office. While Brian, Brinn, Jane, and Mason go in another direction searching for our target.

"Matt, Hayden, guard the door in case you hear something. Kath come with me."

I follow Dylan into Higgins's office and luckily enough we find a phone. He immediately dials the police. I watch him holding the phone to his ear, clenching his teeth in impatience and let myself think of how far we have come. From keeping us a secret to now my entire friend group knowing, along withthe school nurse who could easily tell the principal if she wishes.

What's going to happen when we leave this place?

"Hello LAPD how may I help you?"

"Hi my name is Dylan Matthews I'm a teacher at LA High. Me and my students are locked in the school and a lot of of are injured. Someone locked us in here we're in danger please we need help."

"Sir, I'm gonna need you to stay calm."

"How am I supposed to stay calm? I have a fucking bullet in my foot, there's a pregnant girl that needs a hospital and a guy who might die if he doesn't get into a hospital soon." He bellows into the phone.

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