Chapter 27.

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May 22nd 2015.

Dear guys,

If you're reading this, it means that I'm already dead.

"Help! Somebody help!" One of the nurses at the institution keeps yelling once she steps foot inside Skylar's room for a daily check up.

I wanted to give you this diary today, so you'd know why I did what I did. I don't understand it myself but I hope you can. Find something that's a good enough reason.

I knew you were gonna come see me one day, so that's why I brought it with me, waiting for you to come so I could give it to you. And when the nurses told me you were coming today, I decided to write you this letter of my decision this morning. Why a year later? Because I don't want you to stop me.

On May 22nd 2016, Skylar Johnson takes her own life by hanging herself in her room.

The nurses are running around not knowing what to do. This has never happened before.

I decided to kill myself a year from today. Again. Why a year later? Because I want to have time to think about what I did. And to plan my death just like I planned yours. But I don't want to fail mine like I failed yours. You're probably running to the phone right now Katherine, and Jane is probably searching the phone number of the institution. While Ashley's crying in Alain's arms. And Brian is screaming and yelling, and the others don't know what to do. Hayden is the one who's going to have the courage to continue reading this letter, so please listen to her.

And she's right, every prediction she has written is true.  They are doing exactly what she predicted. She knows them all too well.

The nurses at call the paramedics.

Until they come, Skylar's body remains hanging from the ceiling.

It's obvious that she planned this. She has a sock in her mouth, so she wouldn't scream while struggling, so that no one could save her. And she's wearing a corsage. None of the nurses know how she got that. Except one. The nurse that gave the diary to her friends that first and last day they visited her. The only nurse who Skylar talked to. She knows who the corsage is from, and she's the one that mailed the key to Katherine this morning.

Katherine calls the institution as predicted and asks to speak with Skylar's nurse. The same woman answers the phone call. Katherine tries to warn them for what Skylar is about to do. But alas, it's too late. The nurse tells her that too, that she's gone through with it.

A few minutes later the paramedics arrive and finally take down Skylar's body, rolling her out in a body bag to take to the hospital. That same nurse calls her parents immediately to let them know what has happened. Jenny, her mother, is devastated, cries the whole time the nurse talks to her. Justin, her father, is equally devastated, he tries too hard not to cry but the nurse knows how badly he wants to.

You guys are all probably crying right now or you're probably happy. Either way, I'm okay with it. Don't blame yourselves because you called in late to warn them, I did that on purpose, so you couldn't warn them.

I guess it's over now. I'm dead. Wipe off those tears and smile you assholes. I didn't do this to make you sad, or make you feel guilty, I just wanted to die in peace and I did. And I wanted you to know my reasons.

I know you came today to forgive me. You guys are too predictable. So I would like to thank you for that. Not many people forgive after something like that. But it's just the kind of people that you guys are. You're kind.

Tell my parents I love them and tell them not to cry. Tell them I was happy when I went, and that I was never meant to stay long anyways. Tell them to move on and have another kid,they're still young, they can.

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