Chapter 16- Should I stay...NO YOU'RE GOING!

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Keaton's P.O.V

"You better not let me kill my arm this time." I rolled my eyes, holding out my penny board in front of me. "Thanks Eyas." Reuben said, placing a kiss on my forehead. My cheeks slightly warmed at the action. Reuben cooed mockingly before putting his left foot on the board.

"Learned your mistake then Reuben?" I said, chuckling.


I watched as Reuben pushed off and stuck out his arms either side of his body. I clutched my side, as my laughter increased. He looked so stiff and unnatural.

"Reuben move you right foot nearer to the back of the board." I shouted, as I saw him wobble again.

"If I move it, I will fall again!"

"You will fall if you don't move it."

Reuben jumped off the board, running after my board briefly before jogging over to me. "You get bossy, don't you?" He said, wagging a finger at me.

I raised an eyebrow. I held out my arms for my penny board, but received Reuben in them instead. He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding my penny board at my lower back.

"I don't think you should be so bossy." Reuben said thoughtfully, setting his eyes on mine.

"Why's that?"

Reuben smirked, leaning in towards my ear. "Because..." Reuben trailed off, moving a hand to side. "This."

It was then that I realised what his plan was. Reuben mercilessly tickled my side, causing me to thrash around in his grip. "Stop! Reuben!" I screamed, pushing on his chest.

He didn't falter for a second. People were turning their heads as they passed by. Many were shaking their heads and other making obvious glances our way. Normally I would care, but at this current time I had bigger than to worry about.

Reuben still hadn't stopped tickling me. "I will stop if you say..." He stopped for a moment, tapping his chin thoughtfully, before yet another smirk covered his face.

He began to tickle me again. "You have to say 'Reuben Hobbs is the best person in the world. I look up to him and wish I could be him. Every night I pray that I could wake up and be him."

A frown formed on my face, "There's no way I'm saying that!" I replied childishly, stomping my foot."

"I shall continue to tickle you then." Reuben retorted, keeping up his promise.

I continued to desperately try and wiggle out of his grip. It was fruitless. Reuben wasn't going to stop and let go any time soon. "O.K, O.K!" I shouted, giving up. "Reuben Hobbs is the best person in the world."

"Louder." Reuben cut in.

I glared at him, while raising my voice fractionally. "I look up to him and wish I could be him. Every night I pray that I could wake up and be him." I said hastily.

"Hmmm." Reuben ceased tickling me. I breathed a sigh in relief. "I guess it will do. I doubt you would do it again."

I shook my head. "You're lucky you got that." I replied, poking his nose. Reuben scrunched it up, dropping his hands from my sides. "You're evil you know that."

Reuben snickered, before leaning down and pecking my lips. "I had to pick a stubborn one didn't I?" He mumbled to himself.

I rolled my eyes, "Says the guy who wouldn't listen when you were trying to learn how to ride a penny board."

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