Chapter 18

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Tink. Tink. The fuck? Tink I got out of my bed and opened my window to see Ryan standing there, thump!

"Sorry didn't see you there" Ryan said after seeing that he had hit me in the head with another rock he threw. Yeah right.

"Right. What do you want?" I called down.

"To talk" Ryan said, it was more of a question than an answer.


"I'm bored"

"Sleep then like everyone else is doing at the moment”

"Come on. Have some fun. Come down!" I looked around. Should I? I hate him and he hates me. What is he planning? I sighed. What the hell it can't hurt, can it? Climbing out of my window and jumping down to the ground. I managed to land without ground shock. As I stood up I saw Ryan's dorky grin. The one I haven't seen since he changed. It was nice seeing it, it always suited him more than his new stuck up one.

"So what now?" I asked. He thought for a while and suggested the old tree, the one where we'd always go when we snuck out of our houses if we wanted to hang; it was normally at night but also when we were grounded or even just for the sake of hanging out. I just nodded and climbed into his car. When we got to the park after diving in a comfy but a slightly awkward silence, getting out of the car I ran to the tree and climbed it. When I got to my spot, I saw Ryan had climbed the tree too.

"So what was it you wanted to talk about or what ever?"

"I still occasionally skate"

"Okay. Cool? What do you really want to 'talk' or 'say'?" He paused for awhile.

"Look, I don't know how to put this" he started

"Open your mouth and annunciate the words?" I put forward

"Just don't attack me okay?" Why was he acting weird?

"I will try my best"

"Okay" just then his phone went off. Cliché right? Just as a guy is going to say something his phone goes off.

"Yeah.... Nice one..... Okay... Sure man" he hung up and told me he had to go do something for his mum. He dropped me off out front of my house so I ran up to the door and picked up the spare key from underneath the mat and snuck into the house. Careful not to wake mum or dad, not wanting to get into a fight with them.

I woke up feeling my phone vibrating. Unknown number.

- hey

Z- um hi who this???

- someone, you know

Z- no shit!

- to find out come to the skate park. Who this sexy beast texting you is ;)

Z- Blake!!!

- come to the park to find out if you are right. Mwahaha

it had to be. But I had already texted him. I had his number. I looked through my phone and couldn’t find his name under anything I would’ve put him in as. I was going to kill him when I get to the park.

I got to the park to find Blake smirking looking all ‘innocent’ and surprised to see me. Walking up to him placing a sweet an angelic smile on my face; as he saw it his smirk faded and he stared to run knowing he was in deep shit. He was too slow. I tackled him to the ground and punched him hard in the stomach.

"Okay okay sorry. S-stop" Blake called out in surrender holding his hands up, but as I stood up he swung his legs around and took me to the ground sitting on me smiling down at me.

"Aw fuck. Get your fat ass off me Blake"

"Nah don't think I will" he says wriggling is ass.

"Blake! Get off me or else-"

"Or else what?" He smirked, leaning in close, breathing in my ear.

"I'll...." I trailed off; I could still feel his breath on my skin.

"You'll?" He knew he had won i could tell by his cocky, arrogant smirk. He knew I couldn't win. He got off me and gave me a hand up. I brushed off punching him in the shoulder for good measure, and we walked talking casually.

We got into Blake’s car and he drove off taking me home since it was getting late and if I wasn’t home soon I was going get hell for it. We talked about skateboarding and music along the way and lots of other random shit. Blake pulled up a bit down the street careful not to wake up mum and dad

"Cheers for the ride Blake"

"No problem" as I got out of the car Blake called my name and I leant in only to have him kiss me and drive off straight after. Walking inside to find dad glaring at me; getting ready to flaw me with. I was right. A few punches and after mum throwing words at me. I went upstairs and laid on my bed; thinking about the kiss I got from Blake. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced. I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. I couldn't like it. I couldn't like the kiss Blake gave me. I like Xavier, not Blake. Don't I? Thankfully i was taken from my thoughts by Josh; i looked down at my phone. Yes he was coming back up for the weekend, this should be good. I sent a quick reply to him. 2 more days till he can come and help me, protect me from mum and dad.

I woke up with a shout from mum telling me to move my ‘sorry’ ass out of bed. Moving slowly and drowsy i looked outside the window and saw that it was cloudy. I sighed picking my clothes up and taking them into the bathroom with me. Taking my pjs off and entering the shower feeling the nice warm coolness of the water getting out I glanced at my body, my ribs were covered in bruises and so were my arms. I got out of the bathroom and headed downstairs to find Josh standing there with wide grin on his face with his arms wide open. I ran and tackled him onto the couch not moving off him.

“Ugh get off me” I Josh moaned from underneath me. Shaking my head earning me an evil look from Josh, but before i could figure out why I burst into a fit of giggles.

“I’ll stop if you surrender”

“Never!” I shouted out. A few more seconds passed before i gave in and complied. Laying on my back I saw Josh looking at my ribs, glancing down I noticed that my shirt had ridden up, revealing the bruises on my skin.

“Josh” He just continued to stare. “Josh!” I shouted, snapping him out of his trance.

“Zoe please just tell the cops, you can’t keep letting them do this to you. It’s not right”

“Oh wow, you think I don’t know that?”

“It seems that way” Josh said through gritted teeth “If you don’t tell the cops then I will”

“Josh please don’t” He glared at me.


“Because... Because...Ugh I don’t know okay! I just don’t!” I heard mum and dad from outdoors bringing in some groceries, as they did Josh and I had a glaring match until we were asked to help bring some stuff in. Mum and dad made small talk to Josh whilst I ignored him and once i had finished putting the groceries away I went up to my room and grabbed my board heading to the park hoping that Elliot or someone was at the park.

Zoe: Just One of the Guys (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now