How many cramps is that ?!

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Becks POV

I saw Jade sleeping next to me thanks god,cause she was up all night with Scarlet, once I saw her in Scarlets room asleep. Jade began to tir and wake up.

At breakfast

"Oww,ooh!" Jade said while eating her cereal. "What is it babe ?" I said for once not being to worried. "Just a cramp,but don't worry she said there normal !" Jade said reassuring me knowing I would want to call 911.

10 mins later

Jade has already had another 2 cramps at breakfast. "Oww!" Jade said while watching tv. Make that 3 so she has had 4 cramps in 1 hour. I was starting to get a bit worried. When Jade got up I saw her cringe and clutch her stomach,so I went up to her and asked her if everything was alright. "I think so just oww ohh this is a bad one!" she said on the floor knelt down clutching her stomach. So I rang Dr.Clarke first to see if it was normal she said it's fine but if she has more than 7 bring her to the Hospital to get checked out. So I went back to Jade and helped her up. I told Cat that if she has another cramp or 2 to ring me and take her to the hospital and she just agreed.  I wondered ,How many cramps is that ?! 

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