chopsticks & giggling

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Becks POV

I had got some popcorn and me and Jade had ordered chinese food. We were eating our chinese food ,well I was Jade was having trouble with the chopsticks. "Babe,do you want me to get you a fork?" I asked her."No i'm um fine." she replied. Jade had just shot me noodles onto the floor with her deadly chopsticks."that's your fault you know,you just couldn't be bothered to get me a knife and fork could ya!"Jade blurtted out."I asked you but ,no you said you where fine."I said. "well you saw I was struggling and..."Jade was cut off arguing by Scarlet crying."I'll get her do you want me to bring her down?"I asked. "Nooo,I want you to stuff her up a vacumm cleaner and eat a bagel,course I do it's getting dark outside and she will be later to sleep cause she has just had a nap!"Jade argues back sarcastically. I just put my hands up in defence and went up to our gorgeous little girl and saw her lying on her back with her head to the side and sucking her thumb,then she ruined thw cutness and had a pretty little tantrum and cry. So I picked her up and took her downstairs with her pink and cream teddy bear and her penguin with sunglasses on which jade and Andre picked out,which I had to admit was pretty cute and cool.Back downstairs Jade got up and tied her her up and got a box of chocolate and started getting her milk ready. Scarlet was sitting in the middle of me and Jade. Jade sat her up fed her ,burped her then I changed her which was.lovely but I got used to it. When I got back we turned it over and watched shaun the sheep and timmy time it was funny when scarlet giggeled when all the sheep fell over."she looks so small against us and the big sofa"Jade said."Yeah she does


We all decided to go to bed and it was my turn to read her a bedtime story. It was about a princess(again).


Jades POV

Beck was asleep.and I brought scarlet in since she was awake and making wierd noises. I was doing that voice like when you talk to a baby. I went into her room scopped her up and took her to our room. I sat there and tickled her then we watched winnie the pooh. "Look at daddy ,I said to scarlet who was looking at (daddy) and then beck woke up and Scarlet was laughing at winnie the pooh who just fell into yet another pot of honey. I just smiled.

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