I need you

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Tori's POV

I can't take it anymore I just broke down crying my whole future was gone all that was missing from my life was a child,that's all I want right now I would even give up beeing famous I just broke down right there and then in front of Andre,my husband. "It's ok " Andre said patting my back. "What,No it's not WE can't have a child and you are saying it's ok !!! It bloody isn't !!!! " I snapped then cried again. "I'm sorry" he said.

Jades POV

Urggh I am starting to feel sick ,keep it in Jade ,keep it in don't need to tell Beck everything is going to be fine. It's getting worse hold it in just lean your head on Beck's. "Babe do you feel alright ?? Babe ?? I heard Beck calling my name but I just couldn't respond I wanted to but I just couldn't get the words out of my mouth. "Yeah,I'm just gonna ... then I saw blackness.

Beck's POV

"Jade,Jade I shouted but she wouldn't respond my heart was jumping out of my chest. "Wahh,wahh!" Cat can you get Tori and Andre to take care of Scarlet while I go and take Jade to the hospital you and Robbie can come too if you want " I said to Cat. "Um ...OMG yea ok Tori Andre "!!" Cat shouted running to them I was panicking and I picked up Jade and Robbie opened the door and I rushed out I was freaking out.

Cat's POV

I went to Tori and Andre who were sitting down and talking. "Jade has just blacked out and me Robbie and Beck are going to the Hospital and Beck wants you 2 to look after Scarlet she is in the living room.Got to go I will call you when we get some new bye !!" 

Becks POV

We were all in the car I was in the back with Jade and Cat . My heart was literally on the floor. "Is she breathing ??" Cat asked looking at her,she was soooo pale and paler than usuall it was scaring me. I felt her neck and felt a pulse a bit slower than usual "Yeah but her pulse is slowing slightly." I said.

In the hospital

Hi,this is my wife she just collapsed and hse has given birth about 5 months ago!" I said frantically. Ok take a seat and wait while we get her sorted out.The lady pressed a few things and then people put her on a gurney and wheeled her off.

In the waiting room

I so hope she is ok , I felt soo sorry for her she was being such a great mum and she was never well enough. "Jade West?!" The doctor said."Yes is she alright??" "Umm,she has been on antibiotics and they didn't agree with her and emotionally she was still in a bit of a state and she got worked up her blood pressue went up and her blood sugar did aswell and she is going to see someone to talk about her feelings and avoid big news that could cause any big emotion changes,so ask her how she is feeling once in a while and just make sure mentally she is alright and sometimes when scarlet is asleep just talk about things and see how she is doing. Also it is the pressure of being a new mom and it gets to a lot of people. "How is Jade is she alright?!!" mom asked and hugged me. I went to Jade's room while the doctor told my mom and Cat told her mom who was concerned.

In Jade's room

Jade was just sitting there twiddling her thumbs. "Hey" I said quietly and calmly not knowing how she would react. Jade just started crying I quickly went over to her and pulled her in for a hug. "I'm sorry for scaring you like that" Jade said while crying. "It's not your fault babe I'm here for you now and Scarlet is ok."I said while kissing her hair. I started to well up and a few tears came out of my eyes and rolled down my face I just held her closer ,afraid of losing her. "I thought I was doing everything right and I have been feeling sick and I was going to tell you but then I blacked out" Jade slowly said. "I know baby I know" I said kissing her again "You'll get better and I will help you and I will never leave you ok I said bringing her face up to mine. "I love you"Jade said. "I love you"I replied.

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