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Jades POV

I got a call from my agent saying he has got me an audition for a movie in New York for 10 months straight I was really dissapointed I had to turn it down,because of the baby and it was in New York. I told beck and he said that that is what's gonna happen. But it's not like were short for money at all. Plus my pregnancy is on all the magazine and I have an interview about it aswell. Also Becks got a movie going on at the moment and I have got a movie that is ending soon so I wont have another acting job for over a year but Beck says he's going to help with me and the baby.

Becks POV

"Babe , we need to go and see Tori and Andre.and bring the sonogram pic.

At Tori & Andre's

"Hey guys , you have a good honeymoon,,yeah it was great thanks. "Have you guys and the baby been alright?" asked Andre. " Yeah,its been alright keep feeling sick quite a bit though." "Speaking of the devil it's a bit hungry." said Jade. " Are you sure it's not just you babe?" I asked. " Well whenever I am hungry the baby must be" explained Jade. " What do you 2 want to eat?" Tori asked. "I will have a cheese sandwhich " asked Jade. "Can I have a cheese,lettuce,tomato sandwich please." I asked. "Actually I just meant Jade and the baby but alright." Tori said, I laughed.

"Oh yeah,heres the sonogram." Jade said showing them the picture. Aww thats sweet it looks like youu beck,Tori joked." Yeah congrats man." Andre said. Ohh I might be sick see ya. Jade joked. "Jade couldn't see the baby at first it was funny" I said. "Lol" Tori said. We then talked about the honeymoon for about 15 mins while eating my sandwhich when Jade shouted"Beck,come here quick!" I hurried to the bathroom and saw Jade hunched over in pain. "Whats wrong babe ,are you alright!" I asked concerned. I .. I... don't know my stomach really hurts and feels wierd and not the good kind also theres blood in my sick!! Owww! screamed Jade. "Right lets go to the hospital you think you can walk?" I asked really worried."I think so " Jade grabbed onto my arm and walked out. " Tori,Andre were going to the hospital somethings wrong with Jade"I said shakily. Tori and Andre said they would come too. They were in the car and going to the hospital,Andre was driving with Tori next to him and Beck comforting Jade in the back."Owww,god this hurts and not the good kind" Jade shouted. It's alright were nearly there I said trying to act calm for Jade. When we got there I picked up Jade and rushed into the hospital and told them what happened they wheeled Jade off and told me to wait. I decided to call Cat and Robbie. Riinnng rinng riiinngg Cat it's Beck, Hey wats up cat said all cheery and happy. Jades in the hospital I said. OMG.. what happened cat asked worriedly and quickly. "I don't know she was hunched over in pain abd there was blood in her sick so I came to the hospital and someone wheeled her off."Andre and Tori are here." I said. "Me and Robbie will be their ask quick as we can ,bye." cat said. "bye" I replied. I jumped up when a doctor came over and said" Are you here for Jade West."

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