Chapter 1

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 < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Like if you want a magical cookie ;) It's invisible :O

Every teenage girl cannot wait for this day; the day you can wear the puffiest and brightest dress you could find, where you pay stupid amounts of money on a limo and you wait to be asked to the dance with your biggest crush.  

Some call it prom; some call it ball or dance.         

I call it a bloody waste of time.    

"Mum I look ridiculous" I moaned for the hundredth time this afternoon. Tonight was prom where the end of year eleven's get together and celebrate their life at school. Unfortunately for me I only started Bernard's High two months ago, because of my mum and dad splitting up, which meant enough time to do the revision and exams, which also means no time to make many friends, so I was left with the two hyperactive people of the school, Miley and Jack who were officially known as the cutest couple who welcomed me with open arms.

"Sweetie just sit still and let the hairdresser do your hair" She said smiling sweetly at the hairdresser who looked like she could strangle me at any point this morning. I glared at my mum and looked forward into the mirror watching the lady as she pulled and tugged at my hair.

"Have you called Miley yet?" Mum asked looking through a gossip magazine, I groaned as I realised I had forgot. "Mum you were mean't to remind me at ten this morning not twelve" I screamed trying to stand up as the hairdresser was curling my hair making the curlers collide with her hand. 

"Sh..sugar" She corrected herself but gave me a glare, "Do you want your hair done or not, I have spent over two hours trying to just curl it but you wont stay still" She spat through gritted teeth making me smirk.

"I’m sorry I have to call my friend" I sang running out the door and leaning against the glass window sneaking glances at my mum who was now looking at the hairdressers burn, as I dialled Miley's number.

'Oh thank god Hayley you were meant to ring me two hours ago' She screamed down before I could say hello, I chuckled and said hi.

'Hey Miley sorry, I’ve been so panicky and my hairdresser is a right bitch' I moaned, listening to her hum to a song in the background.

'Aw bless, my hairs all done and I’m having my make up done in an hour' She sang happily.

 I sighed, 'Yeah yeah whatever, this whole prom thing is stupid I can't believe your making me go, I haven't even got a date' I moaned.

'Don't worry Hay, you got me and Jack, and proms great it’s just a little hard for you as you hardly know anyone' She explained, I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

'Anyway, what’s happening for the drive to prom?' I said hoping there wasn't one for me so I did not have to go.

'Oh don't panic, they got a new driver so were all good for the limo, I have to go though, having nails done love ya' She squealed and hung up leaving me with a dead line.

I groaned and walked back into the hairdressers and frown on my face as my mum and hairdresser waited for me to take the seat once again.

"This time stay still and let me do my job" She snarled, I just sighed and closed my eyes ignoring the hair pulling pain.

"Okay so if you sit down I will do your make up for you, baby" Mum sang pushing me onto the kitchen chair and pulling out the dreaded make up. "Mum to be honest I think I’m fine with a little mascara" I said hoping she would give in.

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