Chapter 4

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I wake suddenly. Sweat trickles down my forehead. I take deep breaths in and out. Just a nightmare. I vaguely remember my dream. Katniss had gone to shoot Snow. But he caught it and he threw it to president coin who shot it at me but Katniss jumped in front of me and...

I shake it from my head, but the picture of an arrow in Katniss's heart stays in my head.

I get up and walk into my bathroom. I splash my face and open the cupboard. Coin was right. There is every kind of makeup I could want and more. Eyeshadow, blush, lipstick, mascara, in all the shades of the rainbow as well as 20 shades of black, white and grey.

I close the cupboard and go back into my room.

This time I walk into the wardrobe. I gasp. It's huge! As big as a normal room! A moving system is in the middle of the room. I go over to it.

It has a computer, which I guess controls it. I look at it. It has five buttons, shirts, pants and skirts, dresses, jewelry and shoes. I press the dress button. It pops up with a scroll down list of all the dresses. I chose an aqua one with white straps and a simple short design.

I then choose pearl earrings and a silver locket necklace. I look inside and my heart flips when I see a picture of Katniss. I close it quickly and move onto shoes. I choose a pair of matching aqua sandals, with pearls on them.

I then leave the wardrobe an make my way downstairs to the kitchen. I pull out a bag of dried apples that, again, don't taste much like the real thing, and head back up to the 3rd floor. I turn the TV hoping to find out how Katniss is going. Instead I find out what fashions are in, and the things that are out.

Apparently, all that I chose this morning were out. Apparently, bird feathers and mocking jay jewelry were in.

I end up turning it off and going back down to the library. I pick up the book I had yesterday and am about to start reading when I hear somthing. A small cry. I look around. No-ones here, of course. Tears threaten to come spilling out of my eyes, but I push them away. I don't want to cry as much today. It must have been my imagination.

I start to read but then the sound comes again. I definitely didn't imagine it that time. I wait for it again, putting the book down. There it is again. It's not from above me. It's from BELOW me. But this was the basement? How could it be below me? I go back to the elevator and check it. Yep, this was definitely the basement. Unless...

Underneath the basement button was a metal panel, the paint slightly darker than the rest of the elevator. I pick at it. It doesn't come off. I'd need a tool to take it off. I remember seeing a tool shed near the pool. I quickly press the normal ground level. I run out to the shed and sure enough, a tool box is inside, as well as a bucket of everlasting chlorine. I grab the tool box and run back to the elevator. I grab a crowbar from the box and try to wrench the metal panel away from the wall, but it doesn't work. I notice some tiny nail heads screwing it to the wall of the elevator. I look through the screw drivers, looking for one that will fit. I find one that just fits. I carefully unscrew it.

The panel comes off easily after I get the screws out. My heart beats faster. Underneath is another two buttons, not a bit dusty. One has a D on it and the other has ESC on it. I didn't know about the D but I knew ESC standed for escape. I press D. The lift jolt into action. It seems to take a little longer to get there. Then the lift doors open. I step into darkness. The elevator closes behind me and I hear it leaving.

As my eyes adjust I see a light switch. I turn it on, but immediently regret doing so. Where I am standing is a vast stone passage way with iron doors lining it. I walk up to one and look in through iron bars. I flinch and look away. Years old blood stains the floor and bones sit in clusters in the corners. Shackles are on the walls and the bones of a body are still there.

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