Chapter 30

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I wake as the sun is starting to set. Bonnie and Summer are dead asleep beside me. I look around but don't see daisy. I jump to my feet and start running in the direction of the shore.

"Daisy! Daisy!" I shout, starting to panic.

I burst out onto the sand and start circling the island.


Suddenly I see her, sitting in a tree, staring out at the bank of the lake. She spots me, or hears me shouting.

"Shoosh!" She hisses. "She'll hear you!" She gestures to the shore and I look over to see Juliet, kicking rocks into the water. All my anger at Daisy for going without a word is replaced with fear.

"She'll see us if we stay here, lets go back to camp. If she comes over, we'll win, we have her outnumbered."

She follows me reluctantly. We go back to the camp and Daisy decides to go for a dip in the pond. She slips her feet in and sighs. I decide to do the same and let the cool water massage my feet. The sky turns pink and then purple, before settling on a deep navy blue. Stars start to rise and the moon starts to show over the trees.

Bonnie soon wakes but summer sleeps silently. Soon the national anthem is playing, so I quickly wake her up and we look up at the familiar Capitol seal.

The faces of the dead come up. First is Georgiana, then it is Crunch.

Then Ditties face shows. The next face makes my throat clog up. The picture moves on from Zara's sad eyes, morphing into Kay's familiar smile. Summer bursts into tears. The picture fades.

We sit in silence. Suddenly another picture apears in the sky. Max's familiar face shows up and he clears his throat.

"Hello remaining tributes. There are only 10 of you left, so I decided to give you a twist. 3 lucky tributes will get a special gift, all the same type of item but each different colors and powers. As soon as this message is over, I will send the items down to you. They will carry your name and district on them and I suggest you keep them. In the wrong hands, they can be dangerous. That's all!"

His face fades and something splashes into the pool. Bonnie stands up and wades into water. She picks the object up, walks out and holds it up to us. It is a necklace, shaped as a flower with a crystal in the center. It spins on its silver chain, showing us an ingravement on the back. It reads, Primrose Everdeen, District 12.

"I guess it's for me." I say, taking it from her.

"You guess? It's shaped as a primrose!" Daisy exclaims. "Of course it's for you!"

I slip it around my neck and its metal feels cold against my skin. Bonnie gasps.

"It changed!" She cries.

"What?" I say, looking down at the necklace. In the center, where there had been a crystal, now sits a sapphire. I slip it off and it changes back to a crystal. I put it back on and as soon as it hits my skin, it changes to a sapphire.

"Cool." Summer says. She still has tears running down her cheeks and her voice cracks as she talks. She sobs into her hands.

"Shh. It's Ok. Come on, lets eat." Bonnie says, wiping at her tears. Summer nods so we sit and daisy hands us all some fruit. We eat in silence and by the end of the meal, my stomach is still growling. Daisy and I don't tell the others about Juliet, because we both know that they didn't need anything else on their mind. My necklace stays cold on my chest and doesn't warm up from my body heat.

After dinner, I suggest we all get some sleep so we settle down and I offer to take first watch. After some debate, they all give in and lie down. I sit holding my dagger until I am sure Bonnie and Summer are asleep and then I wake Daisy.

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