Chapter 13

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The days pass quickly and Bonnie develops a strong bond with buttercup. I occasionally watch the news channel when Bonnie is hunting with twill or doing something else but I become addicted to a show called the saving of Mississippi, an old show about the old Mississippi River in the old country, America. It's filmed in the old country as well and it's nothing to do with the hunger games. Occasionally me and Bonnie and max go to the pond while Twill hunts and sometimes Max goes as well, as he can hold a weapon in his arms and knows how to use it. We also swim in the pool but not as much. Me and Bonnie went exploring one time and found another fruit orchard, for what we thought was pears but couldn't be sure because they weren't in season. Days seem like months and when the helicopter finally comes again, it feels like its been years. We quickly hide Bonnie and twill in the basement an then rush out to greet the chopper. On board is just Chip, saying that officer Galdin didn't wish to come. We take the supplies and watch the chopper fly back into the distance. We then turn and walk back up to the house. I go down and collect Bonnie and Twill. We unpack the things, the same as last week except less. Only one bottle of milk and a bottle of orange juice. A bag of mince and a chicken, and one loaf of bread (white) and 1/2 a jar of peanut butter and 1/2 a jar of jam. Also, this time there is a block of cheese & a picture of a grave filled with flowers. It has a note on it.

'Dear Primrose,

This is a picture of your grave and headstone. Of course, your body isn't in it, but that doesn't stop the Capitol people from paying their respects to the mockingjays dead sister, the reason she was in the games in the first place, the reason for the rebellion. I found it quite touching really. Anyway, enclosed is the picture and a flower from one special visitor of the grave.


President Coin

P. S. Tell Bonnie and Twill I said hi! And give my love to Buttercup!'

I skim over the sentence again and panic rises inside me. Tell Bonnie and twill I said hi. She knows. What else did she know about?

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