Chapter 39

642 34 9

Almost over.


We spend the rest of the day cleaning up and I give everyone a tour of the mansion. Daisy spends most of the day sitting in the library reading a book she found. Soren stays down there with her as well, browsing and reading snippets of books, but everyone else mainly hangs out outside at the pool or tennis court. After I finish the tour, I go back inside and grab a snack. All of the food is still in the compartment where we left it, but I go for one of the apples that Juliet picked off the tree when she made. I step inside the elevator and as the doors are closing, Bonnie sticks her foot in and slides in as well.

"Where you going?" She asks. I shrug.

"Entertainment place?"


The doors close and she presses the 3. The elevator moves up and is there in 2 seconds. The doors slide open to reveal the all too familiar entertainment room.

Everything is how it was. Videos litter the shelf, and the couches pillows are strewn across the floor from when daisy was watching TV a little earlier.

I slump onto the couch and find the remote. I slide the TV open and turn it on. I channel surf for a bit before I find it. The news reporter has ash black hair with glowing red ends, that seem to slide when she moves, making it look like burning coals. Another district 12 inspired fashion, most likely.

"We just received news that last night, Katniss officially announced that, yes, there is going to be a new baby!"

I frown. Maybe the dream I had had been a vision of the future?

"On other news...."

I change the channel and start channel surfing but nothing is on, so I switch it off.

"I'm gonna go downstairs. You can have the TV." I say to Bonnie, stepping back into the elevator. She nods and the doors close. I sigh and lean against the wall. I look over t the panel of buttons and one seems to stand out at me. On instinct, I press the ESC button and the elevator moves down.

The doors open into a pitch black room and my stomach twists in knots. I step out of the lift and the floor is stone cold on my bare feet. The doors slide closed and I step away from the elevator.

"Hello?" I call and it echoes back a few times. I light a flame and pull it in front of me. The light reveals a long dark stone tunnel, with water dribbling down the walls.

I pull some of it off and wrap it around the flame, maximizing the light and protecting the flame. I wrap some vines around it, holding it together, and grow a handle. I hold it up and look around. the walls are plain stone and dirt and the floor is cold soil and dirt.

I suddenly realize what it is. I was right.

ESC stands for escape. An escape route. I take a few steps and the fresh smell of soil fills my nose, enveloping me. feel like I could walk on water. I shake my head, realizing I could. I start dancing in the tunnel and my body moves slowly and elegantly to the non-existent beat.

After a while, I lean against the wall and slowly slide down it, sitting down. The water wets my shirt but I don't care. I make pictures with my flames and slowly close my eyes. Half conscious, I open them again. The flames are still playing pictures, my pictures, but I feel that I'm not in control of them.

There is a bird, a singing bird, and the tune is familiar and comforting yet it puts me on edge. Then another bird, slightly smaller starts singing along and the original bird seems so happy. They dance about in the sky and then suddenly a feeling of fear creeps in on me. I try to call for the birds to go away but they don't hear and keep dancing. I hear a roar and a tiger leaps up and grabs the larger bird. The little bird try's to pull the tiger away but it just roars and she falls away. The tiger starts eating the bird and I leap up. The pictures fall away, leaving only ashes.

I stand up an walk back to the elevator, trying to convince myself it wasn't real but all I can see in my mind are the flames. The flames of the tiger.

I step back into the lift and go back up to the entertainment space. I step out and Bonnie looks over at me. Her brow creases with concern.

"Prim, are you ok? You're shaking!"

I nod silently and sit down next to her, trying to calm down. I give her a smile and it seems to work because her face softens.

"Come on, let's watch a movie."

I shake my head.

"Nah, I think I just watch some TV."

I watch an old show about an undersea sponge and then turn it off an go downstairs once more. I decide to show Bonnie. I stop outside her bedroom door and take a deep breath, then I knock.

"Bonnie, I want to show you something."

She opens the door.

"What is it?"

I lead her to the elevator and press the Esc button. It moves into action and in seconds we are there. The doors open and we step out. I illuminate the tunnel with my fire and Bonnie gasps.

"Escape." She mutters

"Yes. An escape. Who knows where it leads?"

Bonnie looks down the tunnel.

"Only one way to find out." She turns to me, a glimmer of hope in her dark eyes.

"Go tell everyone. We'll leave tommorow."


Ok, sorry It took so long, I know you guys will probably kill me and all but hey! Here it is!

The reason I haven't updated is

10% writers block

20% Was busy with life

70% I was busy with other things on wattpad. I now have HEAPS (ok, maybe thats an exageration) of wattpad friends and I am currently, as I am writing this, in three writer games. Go check them out and vote for me!! See the link on my profile if your bothered to.

Anyway, this book is picking up readers by the day! And it's nearly over...... :..(



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