Chapter 38

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The deadly beast that killed Twill. With a single breath. I search around us and see the lake just off the fire. I feel my necklace reassuring me around my neck and think about the water. Then I pull it around us, in a shield. It circles us like a hurricane, spinning quickly. Juliet ropes vines under it, making it stronger.
The monster steps towards it and tries to go through, but just bounces back. I wait for Tyan to add fire to finish it off but he doesn't. Then I remember. He was out hunting. Outside of the shield.
I push the water towards the monster strongly and it is held back for a minute, then gets back up.
"Run!" I shout and everyone does so. I pull some water out of the lake and me and Juliet try desperately to hold it off, but it doesn't work. It only makes it angrier.
Eventually I try build a wall around it and Juliet does the same. It roars and we run.
It pushes through the barrier and flys after us but we had the lead.
A fluttery feeling grows in my stomach as I run. It bubbles inside me pushing me forward. Despite the situation, it makes me feel calm and bubbly.
It seems to give me a burst of energy and all of a sudden, I'm zipping through the forest faster than ever. Juliet is the same and the creature struggles to catch up with us. If only we could find Tyan, then we could combine our powers again to stop it. The necklaces powers seemed to be strengthened by the last time, but they still couldn't stop it. As I run, my chest thumps in my chest, creating a small rhythm.
I'm running so fast I almost don't see it. a pale pink glow in the early morning sunlight. I look around and realize we have run all the way to the clearing where Dian tied us up. I shiver at the memory and look back at the glow. it was unmistakable. I reach down to it and pick it up. The water runs over my fingers, cooling them but not slipping through. Daisy's necklace. But how? Dian had broken it when he had taken it off her. It must have made itself again. I slip it through my fingers and keep running. The beast has almost catches up. Suddenly, a ball of fire flies over my head and hits the dragon in the chest.
"Come on! down here!" Tyan calls. We run over an see that all the others have run down some concrete steps, hidden by the bushes.
"We need to,"
"Go!" Tyan shouts, so we leap down the stairs two at a time. he closes a metal trapdoor behind us, and locks it. The creature scratches at it a bit, then whines and flys away.
We slowly go down the rest of the steps and as we go deeper, the light seems to dim. We reach the bottom stair and I trip onto the floor. It's pitch black, so I have to use sound to check whether everyone is here.
"Sound off. Daisy?"
"Here." comes her small voice from the blackness.
"I'm here."
"Right here."
"She's here." Juliet calls.
"Then that ticks of Juliet and I know Tyan is here."
"Yeah you do." He laughs. "wait, I'm so stupid!" He cries, suddenly thinking of something.
Flames lick up around us, giving us light. He lines the falls and suddenly there is two trails of fire. I look over to see Juliet's necklace glowing in its swirly way.
"You can do it too. Try it!" She smiles.
I think of a trail of flames licking my hair and suddenly, a steady crackle comes from behind my ears. I quickly extinguish them in shock.
Juliet looks at me strangely, her mouth hanging open.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing it's just.... it took me a while to get the tiniest of flames." she replies.
"Well, you lit all your hair alight on your first try. Was it hard?"
"Not really." I shrug. "As easy as it is to control water."
"Well, for me it's really hard and my flames are only tiny. Yours are almost as good as Tyans."
I flick some flames up into the air and spin them in a circle before letting the ashes fall to the ground.
I shrug. "I guess. But it doesn't really matter." I say, dropping the subject.
I look around to find that we are all crammed into a wide long corridor with bits of rubble and fallen debris littering the floor.
"Is this the game makers complex?" I ask.
"Yes. me and Soren found it when we were hunting. Who knows why it's here."
"Well, it is so lets move." We get to our feet an start walking along the corridor. as we go further, the wreckage starts to get worse. Whole chunks of concrete have fallen from the ceiling and walls and be have climbed over a few crushed game makers while we were walking. As we are climbing around another, the corridor starts to shake. a bit more debris falls but then it stops.
"We need to find a way out of here, or else soon enough something will crush us."
As if responding to my call, we turn a corner and sitting in the wall at the end is the metal doors of o elevator. We run to it and hop in, then I see the panel of buttons. there were so many! How would I know how to get out. I look over the panel and see two initials that I think I know what mean.
Training room. I look over the rest of them, but that is the only one I recognize. then I see it. A simple knife and bow. I push it and the elevator zooms off.
It is a little crowded but it only takes a few minutes to get there. The doors open to the exact room that I thought it would.
The weapon room. the shelves are still lined with knives and daggers but there's heaps of empty spots from where max has made the cornucopia. I lead them all over to where the door to the tribute room is hanging ajar.
We walk through and it is just a I last saw it with sleeping bags and blankets littering the floor. The only thing missing is the tributes. I scan the room and my eyes lock on one of the corners. That was where I first saw Zara.
I quickly look away and shake the feeling off.
I lead them over to the stairs leading up to daylight and start climbing them. The panel is already open when we reach the top and we step out into the grounds of the house. The house I had been supposed to live for my whole life. I look up at it and shiver. But as much as I hated going in there, I knew I had to. I squinted against the sunlight and started walking up to the house. Bonnie picks up my hand and squeezes it reassuringly and the rest of them follow us up.
Sharp memories of Twill stab at me as I step into the kitchen of the house and I can almost see her, standing there, making breakfast. I almost fall onto Bonnie and sob into her shoulder a bit, then pick myself up. We go to the elevator and go up to the second floor where I change into different clothes and hang the tribute uniform on a coat hanger. It is dirty and rugged after the games and has many blood stains and tears. I manage to pull myself away and step back into my room. My things sit staring at me and my eyes catch on the photo of Katniss, my mother and I.
We all looked so happy together and suddenly, I am sobbing so hard, everyone rushes in.
"Are you alright?" Juliet asks and I nod.
"I just need to be alone." I say and they reluctantly leave.
When they are all gone, I lie on my bed and and stare sadly at the picture. My door opens quietly and Daisy sits on the end of my bed.
"I know your not alright." She sighs. I sit up and look at her little face.
"No, your right, I'm not." I reply.
"Well, I can help." She whispers in her little voice. She leans over and wraps her arms around my neck in a hug. When we pull away, I smile.
"Thank you."
She shrugs an then stands up.
"I'm going downstairs to the library quickly. Bonnie once told me about it and I wanna check it out."
She leaves and I lie back down on my bed, thoughts of Katniss and Daisy whipping through my head. My door opens again quietly, and this time, Bonnie sits on the end of my bed. She is silent as I gaze longingly at the picture of my family.
"Can we talk?" She asks and I sit up.
"What about?"
"Anything. Everything." She laughs.
"Well, I learned my necklace has another power." I say, trying to strike up some conversation.
"Really? What?"
"Sixth sense. I can see things in other places. I heard Max having a conversation with a game maker that night and that's how I knew how to combine the powers. I also had a dream..." I trail off.
"What about?" She asks.
"Katniss had a child. I knew that part was real." I say. We go into silence for a while. Finally I voice my thoughts.
"We have to go back. even if it takes us our lives. I need to at least see my elder sister once more, and my niece or nephew."
She looks at me and I see the determination in my eyes mirrored in hers.
"Yes. I agree."
There you go!
I'm so tired but you guys deserves an update. also the fact I ended on a cliffy.

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